weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

BULLSHIT. Major Contractors would hire linemen and foremen on temporary contracts, probably running till the work is completed. Those temps would be properly vetted to ensure they meet company work and conduct standards. An extra carrot for those temps, beyond higher than average salaries for the duration of the PR

Unless they are sending the linemen to PR via the most circuitous route possible - including a stop on the moon- , $330 an hour for linemen and more for foremen is effing insane. Even including salary, taxes, food, housing, medical staff, uniforms, retirement(HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), and any overhead item I can imagine,

Sorry, Stigs, that doesn’t matter all that much when it seems that these pipelines are always routed over indigenous land. This follows the same pattern utilities, trash dumps, and all manner of dangerous things follow: Quite simply, put them where the poor and disenfranchised live. They need to stop that BULLSHIT.

“I can’t make sure that everyone in the business doesn’t behave badly at times, right?” he said. “What I can make sure is if we know something, we can react to that information. We can be decisive about it.”

This contract is more than fishy - pun intended. An earlier article said that ordinary linemen would be paid $330 an hour. If true, that is insanely, over the top expensive. For comparison, last I heard (admittedly several years ago) Haliburton employees near warzones were making something like $150,000 a year. That’s

Thank you for your kind words. I genuinely felt that escorting a fellow service member’s remains back home, was literally the least I could do. I wasn’t helping a battle buddy who was taking enemy fire, or performing battlefield surgery, or informing the service member’s family of the loss of something irreplaceable,

When I escorted the servicemember’s remains, I felt that it was literally the least that I could do for a fallen fellow service member. I wasn’t being asked to risk my life to save a buddy who was taking fire, or render medical aid on the battlefield, or any number of other things. I really hadn’t anticipated it would

Unless you can cite specific guidelines which prevent airline employees, who presumably have gone thru all applicable background checks - since loading is their job - from accessing the planes hold, then WTF are you talking about? I’m unaware of such regulations, but I’ll be happy to change my opinion on this whole

Yup... This actually reminds me of an event I’d forgotten from my own military service... One of the benefits of military service is the MAC flight. Service members and their families can sign up on a waiting list to potentially catch a military aircraft going anywhere the military flies, for very little cost. The

Trump is an absolute jackass. If I were to forget his previous disrespect to gold star families, and to John McCain, who despite this many flaws, never cashed in his ‘get out of jail free’ card while he was a POW; then I might half believe that his comments can be attributed to his unsophisticated speaking. I still

Sorry, HTF is a stroller just like any other piece of checked luggage? A traveling baby needs a fairly well packed bag. Mom needs at least one, maybe 2 depending on how much space the baby’s​ stuff actually needs. How is someone supposed to move around even the gate area, to which they’d likely be restricted, while

You don’t need me to tell you, but your feelings on this are ABSOLUTELY legitimate. I think areyoureallylistening’s point is that if the default position is to not offend, then how does one accomplish this when “leave me tf alone, I don’t wanna talk to *anybody*”, is a perfectly valid attitude to have? The danger he

Cool story, bro. The problem is that these things aren’t always resolved amicably after the fact. Violence toward the obnoxious employee is obviously out of line, but insisting that they do something reasonable, like following their own baggage fee policy is not. These are written policies, which a passenger can find

We have no idea if this passenger or her child had any type of needs which would make helping her more complex than rolling her luggage for her, while she carried her child in her arms thru the airport; but that doesn’t matter. When she asks for something fairly reasonable, like the return of a crucial item she only

Those who disembark a plane waiting to take off, simply return to the waiting area at the gate. It is a post security check area, designated as the place one waits to be seated on the plane after all. Airlines don’t like to deplane for a number of reasons, including the need to taxi the plane back to the gate, open

I can tell you from experience that checked in strollers are typically loaded last, since they’ll be needed on arrival at destination. It’s entirely possible that the air crew knew their airline’s loaders do a bad job of this, or that they were too lazy to go looking, but neither of those things has a damned thing to

Lord... so true... It hurts to look at it, but every one of us needs to. Especially those who don’t understand the sacrifice our military members and families make, and those who believe honoring that sacrifice is best displayed by such an empty gesture as standing for a damned song. These members and families deserve

Trump may disrespect military members and families, past and present with his callous comments, but at least he stands when the Natl anthem plays!*

Whatever the hairstyle is, m’girl Lupita is effing gorgeous! I cannot wait to see her, the Dora Milaj(sp), T’Challa, and all the rest wreck shop!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!

This black man has had similar experiences... My most recent flight was a Transatlantic flight to visit family overseas. I too suffer from flight anxiety, as well as a sinus/ inner ear issue which renders me nearly totally deaf on a noisy flight, after just a few hours in the air. On my 2nd flight of the day, drowsy