weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Agreed. When the first promotional pictures came out with Medusa’s crappy wig, everyone thought this show would be fantastically, dreadfully, terribly, er... Terrible. I was a bit surprised when I watched episode one and the effects for Medusa’s hair where half decent. Then someone said “eff that noise”, either cause

I’m just an ordinary man, but I still do not understand why this “open secret” was kept for so long. I get that his victims were too powerless to be believed and that the risk of career suicide was too great. I get that his craven board (which reportedly added fines, but not a termination clause, to his contract ~

You are an ass. I tried to refrain from commenting on your post, but I just couldn’t. Women are often made to feel as if their rape if their own fault. They are discouraged from making reports. Often when they do, they are treated as if they are making it up. Often if they get thru all that, and somehow a prosecutor

I’ll confess that “#notallmen” went thru my mind repeatedly as I read this. The thing though is that a recent JayZ lyric did too “...I’m not the man I thought I was, but for my children I need to be...”. I have never raped anyone, but I can remember specific times in my life when I have absolutely been harassing, and

I remember the activist asking her about the “superpredator” comments, and though I understand your take, I had a different reaction to it. Hillary has a habit of being condescending when she doesn’t want to talk about something. She did the same thing with a college aged white dude who asked why anyone should trust

I won’t argue that Sanders didn’t display enough knowledge or empathy for the issues of people of color, even though I believe it’s the case too. I will emphatically state that some of his supporters feel that way. The Democratic party has a large number of racist/sexist and racist/sexist adjacent members. Many of

“It’s our fault because wanting to have a political candidate actually address the specific needs of the African American community means we want to be “pandered to”. But it’s cool when white people get pandered to because...”

“I hope this experience has not soured you on understanding the difference between books that provoke serious contemplation, and those that carelessly degrade.”

I totally agree with you. I remember being made to read the non-fiction book Brian’s Song in school. I don’t remember us reading it aloud, but I remember being hurt, furious, and confused - all at once when reading it. This fucking asshole Piccolo couldn’t refrain from calling a teammate and supposed friend “nigger”,

I don’t think he gives AF about losing. I’m a dude and I’m sitting in my chair seething right now. This fucker *RAPED* someone, and he skipped merrily away after paying his victim, who had to be happy to accept it, cause the alternative was the end of her career - and still no substantive punishment for her rapist.

Dammit... I meant to type......I genuinely don’t have the words for this shit. I mean, like Trump organization-DC branch, doesn’t care that the entire world sees it’s racism. Shameful..

I genuinely don’t have the words for this shit. I mean, like this admi

They really aren’t even pretending anymore, are they? Getting PR back to something resembling normal is a terribly complex thing, which will take years. Getting water, food, comms, and medical care to the population is much much simpler. Food, water, and information flyers should have been airdropped beginning as soon

The response she got from those in attendance really explains quite clearly why diversity efforts often don’t go anywhere. White men in general believe that *THEY* are the default great employee. They believe that anyone else who has achieved anything has done so because standards were lowered, not because they are

I agree with everything you wrote except your apparent assumption that the majority of the populations of those new states would vote Democrat. That. Simply. Isn’t. The case. Some will. Likely more now, than before this current hurricane season, but there are some who will support Republican candidates for the same

Whaaaattttt??!!!!??? Sandman will be around to yank you off the...Stage, in humiliating fashion shortly...

WORD! And Jemele and Mike are well known for their t shirt game among other things. Anybody up for making a Jemele Hill for POTUS t-shirt? I’d buy it...

 Is Michelle Obama Beyoncé’s Beyoncé?

What about ESPN radio? Many ESPN personalities have radio shows and podcasts *on ESPN’s platforms* which allow them to give their personal opinions on a great many things not necessarily sports related. Given that fact, HTFF can a post on her personal social media account *which mirrors the podcast content* be against

That pisses me off too. Michelle Yeoh is a damned fantastic actress, who I’ll miss on screen, but her death at least half made sense. The commander who died though... hers was a stupid death, which once again shows a person of color as reckless a hell. Someone was gonna die, but the absence of red shirts lead me to