weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

As a third generation former service member (only a few cousins have made it a career), I’ll remind everyone that blacks aren’t treated all that great in the military either...

Yup, same here... Exactly every damned thing you wrote. Every.damned.thing...

I’ve always viewed bail as a necessary evil. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything at any time. Sometimes there is even some evidence of guilt. Allegations and a long shot possibility of guilt should not be enough to keep someone in jail. Allegations must be properly investigated and evidence must be properly examined.

I’ll keep doing the same as always: At least waiting until more details become available, before forming an opinion on Nelly’s innocence or guilty. So far the authorities are doing roughly what they should be doing. They took the allegations seriously. I don’t know enough about those allegations to know whether or not

The mom’s account was likely abridged or the passage of time may have caused her to forget some details. Details are certainly missing from the story. Still, it seems odd that the responsibile friend apparently wasn’t interviewes by CPS. Part of the fact finding phase of any investigation has to include determining

No, it doesn’t mean that. Not at all. It only meant that it happened at someplace undetermined, at a time also undetermined. A proper medical evaluation might give a good idea of how old the injury was, and the investigation should have included everyone responsible for the kid during that span of time. Isn’t it

I agree that it’s hard to feel sorry for someone who makes 8 figures a year, but that person can still be underpaid. Athletes are paid so much because of their unique skillsets and for the revenue those skills generate. NFL players are getting screwed because of the lack of guaranteed contracts and team owners

I’d like to take this time to point out that Lebron’s peoples are the agents representing T. Thompson. They got him the inflated contract that kept him on the team, and presumably LeBron could stop all the foolishness with the film crew just based on his relationship with Tris’ agents. This looks like another example

“Sadly these things do happen. For this reason, it’s always better to err on the side of caution than negligence when it comes to a vulnerable population”

I never suggested that CPS investigating was a problem. I’d be horrified if they hadn’t investigated. My problem is with their faulty calculus: mom can’t explain injury = mom is either abusive or negligent. It is highly unlikely that most moms can afford to be their child’s only caregiver, even with financial help,

Are you asking how someone would need to go back to work 7 weeks or less after giving birth? Because that’s what happens when we don’t have nationwide, guaranteed *PAID* maternity leave. That’s how...

We both agree that a child shouldn’t suffer because a mom doesn’t have resources, but it is a fact that some moms don’t have resources. What now? Anyone who has put a child in a daycare knows that they hire new employees all the time. We can do all the research in the world on the place, but ultimately we are at the

WHAAAATTT???!!! LOL!!!! Sorry, what world do you live in that enables all new moms to either stay with a child so long, or enables her the capability to allow only select few people to care for her? Many moms are forced to return to work and leave the child with a combination of family, friends, and day care providers

I’m not sure how this can be done better, but the first story doesn’t seem to be an example of best practices. Yes, an infant with a fractured skull should absolutely set off alarm bells,but even laypersons know that abuse generally (though not always) has other signs. How is the fact that she can’t explain the

I genuinely do not understand these people. I mean, I understand that their attitude is what their NRA and gun maker masters demand, but I simply cannot fathom how their complicity comes so cheaply.I expect some of these fuckers to be on sale, but damn... How can someone turn a blind eye to this carnage in private,

Starred for your last line about the requirement that these forms not be transformed into digital form. Too many people don’t know just how far the NRA has gone to prevent adequate registration of firearms, or how much the govt is already bending over backwards to accommodate them. This is unreasonable, and another

Not Adam, but I hate it when people do what you are doing here. “Let me show you how fun guns are to shoot, and tell you how useful they are. Then you’ll understand why someone would need 200 guns, and drum magazines, and fully automatic weapons, and sheds full of ammo, and a gun hidden in every room, and, and, and”.

The author may lack knowledge of do-it-yourself gunsmithing (as do I), but his angst seems to be about the fact that even the few basic gun laws we have are getting easier and easier to circumvent. Everyone knows straw buyers, gun shows, craigslist/newspaper classifieds and street sales are much easier ways for

What!!!!!?????? A well trained team of 4 shooters armed with nothing but a few dozen muzzleloaders and unlimited ammo, could cause all kinds of carnage at the local mall. So gun laws won’t fix ANYTHING!!!

I like the looks of this thing in the side profile shot, but the rear shot? Not so much. Wow... I said “no” to a back shot. Can’t remember that ever happening before...