weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Oh, I know. That was my point...

“America is so guilt filled about what it’s done to nonwhite people—and so fearful of retribution—that it’s willing to kill itself in order to keep itself armed”

I saw that too. As if the media doesn’t understand that their dog whistles contribute to the normalization of this racist, xenophobic bullshit. That pisses me right the hell off...

There is room for the existence of laws enacted solely for the convenience and comfort of a relative few. PROVIDED those laws cause little if any harm to others. Laws allowing ownership of fully auto weapons or silencers do not meet this standard. HOLY FUCK, DO THEY NOT MEET THIS STANDARD. Look, I’ve fired full auto

This isn’t the win I envisioned at all, but given how this protest has been coopted by Trump and those responding to his fuckery, it may be the best available outcome. I don’t like how it looks, but this may be one of those occasions where the optics are secondary to the benefits realized by the community - provided

But is it?* Think about all the transactions that happen with literally no physical currency changing hands. Tiny transactions like coffee or lunch purchases, generally are ultimately paid with the proceeds from work. The work exists, the product of the work- which is then monitized, exists, so logically that money

Are we talking about actual stock or stock OPTIONS? Both are hostage to the whims of the market, but the former could be held until prices went back up; the later grants the right to sell stock at a set price, for a limited span of time. If the stock is below that price from the time of the options grant til it’s

Are. You. Serious???? Many, MANY Hillary supporters made a big deal about her use of a personal email server. There are 2 main concerns about a non govt email address though: transparency, and security. Hillary had the sense to both hire a top notch security firm to handle her server AND to send classified emails thru

Yup. The NY Times or Wash Post (I think) reported that there was a multi BILLION dollar Russianboil deal that Tillerson had been a part of, prior to Obama era sanctions killing it. That absolutely explains why tf an oil Co CEO desired the position of Sec of State and why Trump would appoint him. It explains why Trump

It is entirely possible that my understanding of both basic geography and the capabilities of the US Armed Forces are lacking*, but it seems that providing more substantial assistance to the ISLAND of PR is easily possible. The viability of ports don’t matter much to our Armed Forces. The Army has vehicles

*brings bottle of water (or drank of choice), and a towel* Preciate you showing respect to Monica’s house, but don’t apologise. You speak for more people than you know with your ‘rant’...

“How far will it get me? Probably not very far.

When next you have people over, demand that someone leave. Doesn’t matter why, doesn’t matter who they are, or why they are there. Demand someone leave, and when they protest, ask questions, or do ANYTHING other than immediately leave, remove them forcefully. I’m genuinely curious how far a “trespassing” defense will

I’m aware that PR took in many people retreating from the USVI. One can argue that perhaps PR needs more assistance as a result, but this doesn’t mean that the USVI don’t need help too. The last thing I saw on any news broadcast is that “the USVI feels neglected”. Wonder why that is?

Usually, when people have conversations, either irl, or on the tubes, there are important details which are often not spoken. These details which are generally assumed to be understood by all participants already, often explain a great deal of the nuance which may lie just under the surface of the conversation. In

Generally, I truly, HONESTLY, detest whataboutism, but I have to ask *WHAT ABOUT THE US VIRGIN ISLANDS??!!!??!!* Their people are also US citizens, on islands devastated by the recent hurricanes, and also aren’t getting the aid they require. As much as PR needs to be talked about, so do the US VI...

Why was she being arrested? For resisting arrest. C’MON, it’s obvious, in’it?

Oh gawd, it’s even worse than you say... CNN is about to devote an hour to a psuedo town hall bullshit on the subject with that Cooper dude...

If you’d left out literally only the last word of your post, I’d type how much I agreed with you, and that even though I know how seriously unlikely it is that I’ll step on my child, as a parent, I worry about it anyway. But you added that word “negligent”... There are absolutely unintentional acts that can be

 Today I was reminded of something that I’d actually forgotten in the years since I’ve been out of the US Armed Forces. Even though members of the Armed Forces are required to stop and hold hand over heart in silence for the anthem when in uniform and/or on base, on occasion some of us (all of us) sometimes didn’t.