weapon-a the first try suffers no trolls

Re Ray Lewis: This muthafucka.....I have nothing else to add...

In a just world, the Republicans would be denied the Puerto Rican vote for at least a generation.... Kidding, I know that Puerto Ricans can’t vote!!! I’ll wager that has more than a little to do with Dolt!45's refusal to waive the Jones act for Puerto Rico.

I think part of the reason for the disconnect may be the difference between your own (what I’ll assume is reasonable) assessment of what constitutes “neglect”, and that of CPS in far too many jurisdictions. The “dirty” apartment mentioned in the first account may literally have only suffered from the fly problem

This just adds to my confusion about his release. I totally believe he is a double murderer. Just as I believe that he was jailed on ludicrous charges. They clearly wanted to jail him for something, ANYTHING, since they didn’t get him for murder. I would have bet money that they’d never let him out of jail. Utterly

Word! I’m still recovering from the involuntary head snap and eyes rolling out of head, that was the result of people actually saying Melania was classier than Michelle Obama...

In what way has the FACT that police brutality is a wide spread problem been politicized? There is a staggering amount of evidence supporting this, from an equally staggering variety of sources. What exactly do you need to see to prove it is a widespread problem? Should the national media start reporting every single

That these officers deserve praise for what really should be a minor gesture, is testament to how damned shameful the cop’s ‘thin blue line’ is. That discipline has been quick and public, when that isn’t the case when cops have damned Nazi tattoos, and actually racist social media posts, and harass, assault and murder

I’ll just say that I’m felling her realness. Cardi B can do whatever she wants*...Except rap. She is simply unable to rap. That makes the fact that her song is number 1 (for the second time, right?), all the more extraordinary. Even though her rap skill is barely there, and the song is on the radio way too often, I

I read the signature “father of a daughter” as “ I’m actually there in the trenches, doing the work to prepare and support a woman going into the field should she choose to do so, rather than simply typing supportive words”. Not that I’m suggesting that you are simply typing words, just he seems to imply that he is

“And you think the solution to the shortage of women with computer science degrees is to hire more women in those positions even though there is a shortage of candidates?”

For me the most frustrating part of this is the reliance on circular logic to prove the case - in contradiction to all real evidence. Few women in fields like tech, or cars (or the boardroom, but that’s a topic for another day), is somehow proof of women’s lack of suitability. These same techbros who make this

Somehow you are even dimmer than I’d originally supposed. You do manage to combine leaps of logic (“nobody is trying to get off welfare anymore”), an astounding lack of understanding about how public assistance works (“they look for ways to earn money and still get the benefits”), an inflated, MISPLACED sense of

Do you understand that the National anthem has fuck all to do with an athlete’s job? It is a bullshit political statement that these drivers are being forced to make. That’s another thing I don’t get. What happened to personal freedom? How is the insertion of a blatant political statement into a sporting event OK? Why

You definitely are not a deep thinker, are you? Hard working people need public assistance every day . When I came back to the US from an Armed Forces enlistment, I took the first job I could find. When I could I took a better one. I had a kid with my ex, for whom I never stopped paying to support, no matter how broke

True, but many of these drivers have decent contracts. They’d be frigging idiots to sign a contract which allows an owner to fire them without reasonable cause. Not standing for the Natl anthem is in no way “reasonable cause”. I imagine any fired driver would sue the fuck out of an owner for such a firing...

This is such a ridiculous statement... Are they going to call all the people getting or consuming beer and snacks, or going to the bathroom when the Natl anthem plays unpatriotic too? They are making threats to people who they know they have power over. They will not try that same bullshit with paying fans, or other

Sooooooooooooooo, the TL;dr is: Stat quo, nothing has changed for the LVPD? Cause this reads like the same old BULLSHIT inaction masquerading as action, that we often see from police departments. We should never forget that Eric Garner was killed on July 17 2014, by a NYC cop employing a chokehold which was ALSO

I once explained why white people can’t say “nigga”, “nigger”, or any approximation of those words to someone on an affiliate site *cough* Jezebel *cough*, by comparing it to the word“cu*t”. I explained that unlike the N word, some people, myself included, have no history with the C word. Never used it, not aware of

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, ‘Get that son–of–a–bitch off the field right now. Out. He’s fired. Fired!” Trump blathered at an Alabama rally on Friday.”

This should legit scare the fuck out of everybody. Experts are saying that the Kim regimes have used the imaginary threat of the US destroying NK as the justification it gives it’s populace for it’s activities for generations now. Our idiot President keeps giving them proof of our intentions to destroy them. Even if