clinical wasteman

Nothing is more ‘political’ — and no kind of politics is worse — than military ‘loyalty’. All respect to the women, but their abilities have been hijacked by a sorry institution. The ‘accomplishment’ is wretched, they are not.

Yes indeed. There’s no such thing as ‘correct’ prounciation, least of all in a global language (although the anglo-English BBC class should be forced to shut their horsey mouths): the problem is misuse of words, like that of the commenter above who thinks “read” is a noun and “loyalty” to a nation-state has a positive

If your orders are to “stand against BLM for any reason” the correct response is to shoot your commanding officers. Which is actually the correct response generally for victims of the economic pressgang.

How does the evidence stack up on that ‘available funds’/’working brain’ correlation, I wonder?

So you got ‘DanielDay-Lewis’ from freshly minted youth culture?

Apologies for the footnote to a reply to a reply, but did you see those placards with “Je suis Charlie, Je suis Juif, Je suis Policier”? Intentional or not, that looked like breathtaking antisemitism to me. How DARE anyone unilaterally equate another group with policiers?! I promise I don’t say this flippantly at all:

Thanks for the patient reply, and by all means ignore the cryptic signature tunes at the end of the post.

No, no sarcasm intended (and do I appreciate the lack of any in the response). A day job (press cuttings agencies actually still exist here!) reading ALL the French, German, Italian press every day made it hard to avoid the conclusion — hardly a unique insight anyway — that multiple murder on one particular continent

‘White lives matter more’ is definitely still ‘a thing’ here in Europe, where it’s pronounced: ‘Je suis Charlie’.

Really, you think it’s easy not to notice it in Britain?! ‘All lives...’-style rancid racist self-regard is more at Home (as in ‘Home Office’ etc) here than anywhere else in the world. Take a look at a Guardian/Independent comments page (or sometimes an op-ed) if you want to see virtuoso denial by 2nd 3rd 4th