10/10 Good troll, just subtle enough that it will infuriate most people without being obvious.
10/10 Good troll, just subtle enough that it will infuriate most people without being obvious.
I’m glad you’re in favor of government censorship, a position that has certainly never resulted in anything bad happening in any of the countries where the government eventually used those powers to destroy the freedom of the press, take control of the media, imprison their detractors, etc. I mean, that’s a small…
Funny that you mention that, because the phrase “shouting fire in a crowded theater” was actually an analogy used to punish someone for protesting the draft under the frankly moronic Espionage Act of 1917, a judgement that was later overturned.
The incredible thing about the current state of U.S. speech protection is…
It’s certainly worked with Germany, which totally doesn’t have any Neo-Nazis because they’re not allowed to exist. All those right-wing, xenophobic anti-Semites that parade about in large public protests are just a figment of our collective imagination.