That’s a bit insensitive. Can’t wait for you to pass so I won’t have to read another comment like this.
That’s a bit insensitive. Can’t wait for you to pass so I won’t have to read another comment like this.
If he’s innocent, and his career is ruined, will it still have been worth it?
Why? What knowledge do you have of this case that makes you believe their story over his?
Why do you believe the victims?
Yes! Good! An actor with very dubious accusations from exceptionally biased parties despite a lifetime of unsullied work should suffer the consequences of.... what?
good thing you’re here to make noise.
“Thank you. Everybody in America owes me a dollar who read Infinite Jest.”
What makes you think they’re doing it for attention? Every Black Lives Matter critic is secretly an attention whore? What kind of blanket dismissal is that?
If you’re looking for logical answers, remind yourself about clickbait economy.
Otherwise, get a grip. I’m not the one getting uptight over black conservatives.
That explains Kanye, but what about Candice Owens? Even conservative journalists aren’t millionaires.
I’ve seen too many posts that call black people race traitors whenever they vote conservative or even so much as express something other than enthusiasm at Black Lives Matter. This article toed the line, but it’s too…
If only Kanye agreed with you, then he’d be a thinker, right?
I wish there were a more diplomatic way to say this, but here goes:
Why y’all so afraid of a black man who thinks for himself?
I was just reading that another Farrow sibling, Moses has come out in defense of Woody Allen and is also alleging that he was abused by Mia Farrow. Not saying that Dylan isn’t telling the truth but I’m starting to believe that the story may be a lot more complicated than that.
When will people stop being shocked that many writers and directors are autocrats with control issues?
Might have gotten ladies of olden times, um, moist? Nowadays, as 50 years ago, it’s of as little value towards that aim as ‘worn out phrases and longing gazes’.
Do we reach a point where we notice that we’re reading a story about a man who is having events canceled after being on the receiving end of a single allegation of him making a single inappropriate comment?
with the rate at which the list of sexual predators keeps growing, I’d only be dating myself.
If there’s anyone to be mad at, it’s his handlers, who seem determined to ignore that this is happening or to take any measures to prevent it. And one of them told one of the women he grabbed “You shouldn’t have stood that close to him”, that guy can eat a GIANT bowl of dicks.