Not only is it weird, but there is no gameplay.
Not only is it weird, but there is no gameplay.
This is what happens when someone isn’t told; ‘Hey, this sounds like a pretty stupid idea.’
As much as this is the correct thing to do, the Right won’t learn from it. The Right won’t feel shame for not following suit.
This will surely signal the end of the Trump administration... right? Right!?
Developers and publishers do not care.
Grats, you are now the 100th person to tell me e-currency is utter shit and worthless. Meanwhile, prices keep going up. And, there is a new e-currency every other day.
It’s been over a year since the Trump’s have won the leadership of this country - and the critics/opposition are STILL trying to find a heartstring on these monsters to tug.
America deserves this jackass.
MMO-Lite games like this are dreadful (like The Division & Diablo 3). They are easy to get into, quick to finish (level cap & story mode) and then the player is left in the lurch for shit to do with what they’ve invested in.
Black Friday is garbage and unnecessary.
Remember, kid: They all laughed at Reagan, too.
Because corporate and businesses look after the company - not the employee.
Lena is not a feminist - she is an opportunist.
You have to go after the persons demanding this setup; the customer.
No surprise.
I’ll just wait for Destiny 3: We Won’t Call It HaloLands Just Yet.
How about; “still not good enough”.
Being vocal doesn’t do much - unless you speak with your money.
Meh, work is suppose to be just that: work.
That sex cult will get shut down ASAP once it’s revealed the master is an old fat white guy.