
The masses have spoken. They want this.

6. Bernie Sanders.

I’ve seen people issue death threats over spoilers. And when called out on it, the person threatening death states: “Well, if you don’t want to be threatened with death, don’t spoil a game...”

Is this what “Thoughts & Prayers” boils down to?

Present a plate of shit the right way and people will eat it right up.

So, when are we going to ban fat white neck beard?


Classic wasn’t that great. Sure, that is what got me into WoW, but I quickly realized endgame was not my cup of tea. The leveling was very casual friendly. But the endgame was a hardcore grind.

Jesus, can it get any more manlet-esque? British? Male model?

Rape allegations stick, forever.

That is truly the behavior of someone who is a savage and sub-human.

Wacky & unhinged; yarp, he’s projecting again.

This just goes to show you how out of touch the airline execs are.

$2,000 to $3,000 for a mirror that won’t work unless you meet a specific prerequisite.

How about you as a father protect your children by not doing things that would harm them - wait, that would mean you are taking responsibility for your actions and that is a YUGE no-no for conservatives.

For people like Bill to be outraged over having their terrible and illegal behavior punished, it just goes to show you how well protected they were for quite sometime.

That’s some pair of balls - not only did he commit a crime, but he expects his record to be wiped clean; typical rich old white man privilege.

Gamer culture is disgraceful and awful.

Remember, this is a vicious attack from the Left that proves they are mean and evil people!!!1!!!!!

I loved how they rammed the point that she is well off to begin with and is clearly not a gold digger... so, she is legitimately attracted to an 80 year old.