
more like shitdowns amirite.

Holy crab, the babes in those pics would all be 100+ years old today if they were still alive. That boggles my mind. Photographies are like genuine time travel to me.

For at least four generations, (from pre 1900s) my family has kept salted butter on the kitchen counter, in an air-tight butter dish, at room temp. I know from my own experience, that it will last without any spoilage for at least 30 days. But if it is around that long, you’re not using enough butter.

Speaking as a recovering alcoholic in the AA sense, I know several (myself included) alcoholics who can pause their drinking for a month so long as they are substituting some other addiction (emotional drama, adrenaline, self-harm, eating, gambling, etc.). Whether or not you get DTs when you pause your drinking is not

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

And we couldn’t have had Schindler’s List without Hitler, so...

I guess he will be literally and figuratively under water on this loan as well.

Color me a dipshit then, TALLY HO and all that rot.

Who fucking cares? Tell me how the launch goes. I don’t care if the dummy payload is some rich guys car or a literal bag of dicks.


...and my personal fave,
here’s a toast to y’all,
the crew at io9.

Located another crybaby pissboi.

The bombers don’t need an explanation. The interior of the bombers possess some form of artificial gravity, as evidenced by Paige and the release button falling. When the bombs are released, they will also fall until they pass through the force field that was containing the atmosphere in the ship. At that point,

Red water was already burnt, so this water can’t catch on fire like other blue/clear water, duh.

ADDENDUM: Based on this trailer, we are within touching distance of a Jurassic/Fast & Furious crossover, and I am officially like “Screw it, whatever, let’s do this.”

Big screens are not fancy. When have you ever seen a large screen in a smoking room?

My god, that glorious ass...

I’m going to paraphrase someone else, though I can’t remember who. It’s very much the Empire’s style. They build things with bottomless pits, no handrails, open laser firing chambers... Putting a data backup facility on a tropical beach makes complete sense. Mustafar probably has a paper storage facility.

As just some random guy at a desk slacking off at work... this is interesting AF.