
Does it really make sense to alienate 20% of the buying population because customers seem to like SUVs? There will always be some who prefer a sedan over a truck if only because it’s easier to get in and out of and, by removing that option from your lineup, you will have lost a potential customer to another brand that

Yeah, but can you run down liberal, snowflake <sneers> pedestrians while hauling your 1500lb load of truck nuts? That bumper wouldn’t even clear a dead body ferchrissakes.

Damn, I’d have blown that one too. Better you than me! ;)

So, a commercial truck driver decides to risk crossing a suspension bridge during the worst typhoon on half a century?

I’m shocked (shocked!) that any player this well versed isn’t using either the Doomsday engine or a “free look” mod. One thing that always annoyed me about Doom was being shot at by enemies that were either too high or too low to actually see. I found myself constantly backpedaling to see exactly where these beggars

Yup, being beholden to shareholders will ruin Aston just as they are becoming profitable for what they do best.

I’ll take that mic.

To avoid door dings, it’s actually better to park closer to the most suspect “neighbor”, because (1) the wind can’t catch the door and hit your car at high speed and (2) people have to be more careful in opening their door and it can’t build momentum.

How does forcing higher wages for Mexican workers help domestic automakers? Damn, these investors are delusional.

I am waiting for “The TRUTH about McSkillet!”.

As Joe Piscopo might say, I’ve eaten at Olive Garden once - once. They must believe that al dente is a character from The Godfather III, because their pasta was mush. I’d rather eat grocery store sushi.

There is a nugget of truth in here and it’s really scary but it’s not what you intended to impart.


Oh man, tell me about inflation, but I paid $18K for a plain extended cab F-150 (v6) XLT (AM/FM, AC, power everything, cruise, chrome wheels - basically everything a normal person would want) in 1996.

A cue ball (or 8-ball) shift knob should be offered at no additional cost on every manual tranny car there is. There is nothing like the solid feeling they impart.

English bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pugs and (yes) sometimes Boxers as inbred to the point where they can often barely breathe under “normal” circumstances. Add heat, strenuous exercise or both and you may quickly have a dead dog. My bet is that this is what happened to this poor dog.

How much did it cost you for fuel? Insurance (real insurance for vehicles used for business)? How much in wear and tear on your car? How much time and money did you spend cleaning and detailing your vehicle (requirement for Uber/Lyft)? What will it cost you to replace your worn out ride after just 3-4 years?

This is where single-mindedness becomes a handicap, eh?

It’s somehow more fun when Crazy Ivan does it.

Uptake: chicks need to learn how to use and then buy stick shift cars. Besides, women who drive are cool. Then again, Danica Patrick would probably just kick their asses, stick shift be damned.