Wean Derner

This use of deadly force by the Phoenix PD was brought to you by Desert Diamond West Valley Casino and Resort.

Arizona really demanding Florida raise its game this half.


“Mr. Trump, are you playing Pokemon Go?”

Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate hate

I guess the only way a black man can get protected by the authorities these days is directly related to how many touchdowns he’s scored in the previous season.

“To err is human, to forgive is for pussies, so fuck you”

I assume the ST Louis Cardinals have signed him to a multi-year deal for singing the Canadian National Anthem the White Way. The Cardinal Way

But if they’re family then you don’t have to pay them.

They’re still better than the Niners. You know, because of math.

FACT: If you have a daughter, you are therefore incapable of being a horrible person, particularly to women you are unrelated to. Just like you can’t be racist if you claim to have a black friend.

pretty sure the Umber’s millennial children are in charge now and they thirst for leaders who are more in touch with today’s fast-paced social-media driven society.

How do I open a sham business in the Caribbean without paying expensive lawyer fees?

But getting the seeds out of the permagranate is such a pain in the ass.

I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.

“Where do I start? Where do I begin? Wow!

Highlight of my youth baseball career: playing left field when the other team’s big hitter absolutely crushed one down the line a hundred feet over my head. The left field fence was 380 feet to the pole and didn’t even belong to the baseball field, it belonged to the next field over. Ball bounced twice and somehow

I guess they could be saying that nobody is outside because they’re all watching the game. In other words, this is such a big deal in Cuba that nothing else is going on.

Well I’m not white, so your criticism of my post is nothing but pure adulterated racism. And you can’t refute it because your skin is too light to have a valid opinion on the matter.

Hello, Black Americans. We understand your issue with race and all, and I’mma let you finish, but we’ve really been screwed over for a couple hundred years longer than you and nobody seems to give a shit any more.