
Clearly you didn’t read the part where he pinned a woman down and forced his dick in her mouth. How much of a cunt do you have to be to stand up for some random perv

I wasn’t attempting to reduce the discussion, I was replying to only one part of it. I think the rest of your thesis is banal garbage, too. I’d be happy to go through it point by point but I don’t think you’d be receptive and it’d ultimately be a waste of time.

“Because of the amateurish way the Babe report was handled (her wine choices; her outfit)“

uhh, to me a bad date is when we don’t have the same interests or there’s no chemistry. Not someone who keeps pushing my head towards his dick. If that’s a bad date for you, well, Jesus Christ.

  1. Bibb

this is a fascinating opinion and you’re endlessly interesting for stating it

Very into Woke Charlotte. whatfranwore is a good one, too.

I’ve always said “baby”

Why do you think you NEED to be able to pursue women at all time, especially in a professional setting? Like, why do men always need to let women know they want to fuck them? We know, dude.

I’ve been ignoring sneezes for threeish years now, it’s been so liberating. Although shit like this might be why my (passenger) uber rating is about to dip down to a 4.8.

Like most interview podcasts, I listen when I like the guests. I just listened to Zoe Lister Jones and Adam Pally’s episode and I enjoyed it.

I could take or leave Rupi’s work but I don’t understand the issue with her interest in design?

Agreed. Not great in a “I enjoyed reading this and it had a powerful message” but great in that it made me feel complex emotions. Also, it retriggered my service industry stress dreams, yay!

sure, you can fuck around and drop a bunch of cash on a very Cool, very Chic, very #aesthetics coat but when December rolls around, you know you’re going to be eyeing up that busted puffer for some semblance of warmth.

I write like that. It’s not great, my handwriting looks like garbage.