W. Dal Bush

I… So it's bad form to point out a small turn in one scene (I apologize if my use of "reveal" made it seem more important) in the comments section of an article that discusses a story at length? What? Why would I assume that was off limits?

I'd imagine my comment was the straw that broke you after an entire review on the AV Club that gives away "major plot points"? Sorry.

Tomine credits Seinfeld (and two other comedians) in the indicia for the jokes Jesse performs. The reveal in the story, through her routine, is that her parents aren't aware that she's performing unoriginal material.

Saga #25 isn't out until February 4th. Saga usually releases six issues of an arc monthly (in the most recent case, #19-#24) and then takes two to three months off before starting the next six-issue arc. Sorry!