
I could’ve sworn her superpower was defending prison labor.

“one is more repulsive than the other”

The air strike may also have damaged an unaccounted for cache of chemical weapons.

I also have relatives who died in the camps (or were just taken into the woods by death squads and shot), and I think that our Syria policy is a boondoggle.

Kosovo is an impoverished gangster state that NATO troops are stuck babysitting indefinitely. The government treats ethnic minorities like the Roma and Gorani (Serbian-speaking Slavic Muslims) abysmally. Irredentist movements are still active there and have spilled over into neighboring Macedonia, which is also may be

Who or what caused the incident has *not* been determined. And ISIS just launched an offensive in the area near the airfield, which had been a hindrance to them.

This is not comparable to World War II, which, BTW, was a war that occurred in part because the United States tried to bring peace and democracy to Europe and the Near East a few decades earlier and screwed the pooch.

That’s a weird critique given the prominence of comedians in liberal punditry, but Larry has indeed played a notable role in DSA’s membership jumping from about 6,500 to nearly 19,000+ in about 1 year. And I’m okay with a little laughter. Socialism is not miserabilism. Also, “then they laugh at you” happens to be the

You just outed yourself as a doofus by using “Alt-Left” (a thing that doesn’t exist) without a hint of irony, but you should still know that the cost of Obamacare (a widely beloved program) rose sharply just days before the Comey thing. But sure, let’s pin the blame on a conspiracy theory (that wouldn’t have emerged