
Well, I’m biased, but this deep dive kicked ass

Who did you let make these picks? A group of caffeinated metrosexual millennials who drive Subarus and carry purses? I’m surprised the Lamborghini from Cannonball Run didn’t make the list.

Learning to zipper merge ought not be that hard, but all of a sudden everyone has to just police that one space... It is so depressing.

Using Cruise Control is fine, but if you end up with your cruise set at 69.5 MPH going next to somebody else with their cruise set at 69.5 MPH for miles and miles have the presence of mind to notice it and speed up or slow down a bit (it only takes a bump to the control, I think many people don't understand that

Interesting that the one “rule” that gets discussed here quite a lot isn’t mentioned:

How about adding “Just be civil to one another.” If someone is trying to merge, don’t speed up to cut them off. Conversely, the person merging owes a wave of thanks to the person who let them in.

Obligitory, given the headline.

One, many intersections now use photosensors (mounted overhead, that look like cameras) since they don’t require messing with the pavement.

Nah totally disagree with this take. If anything we see in this movie it’s the Immortan Joe who’s a surprisingly competent leader. Brutal and evil, but he keeps the guzzoline flowing. Whereas we visit Gastown under Dementus’ rule and it’s a complete disaster, and he’s just trying to scheme his way into getting more

1-star airlines have 1-star passengers.

i have to agree. i don’t NEED everything answered. sometimes the mystery is what makes it great (see The Force in Star Wars, pre midichlorians). Just have some imagination and roll with it.

Oh thank goodness.

Along with the implication that it’s yet another Boeing whistleblower, when it’s neither Boeing nor a whistleblower. It’s a supplier to ULA indicating that they are not comfortable with it flying with this part.  And guess what?  ULA agrees.  They rolled back to replace it instead of pressing forward with a second

Holy bullshit clickbait. The problem is with the Atlas V, which Boeing does not make, not the Starliner, which they do. But I guess you just had to go for the “Boeing” headline, right? Ferfuxake, you suck.

This is clickbait.

I mean it’s hardly a great ad but I don’t understand the controversy at all. Online people must have nothing better to do.

Let Corben Dallas demonstrate the correct attitude when dealing with la migra:

What do they think this is, a dead whale in Oregon?

Agreed. Bad take on Jalopnik’s part to suggest that the ATV driver running through a bunch of cyclists and pedestrians was the more desirable outcome than hitting a stopped police car. This isn’t exactly the trolley problem, because one of the outcomes is measurably worse than the other.