
Local is Spokane Raceway Park, but my “bucket list” track was the Glen. Not exactly racing (lead-follow); but it was me, in my own car, driving the historic circuit.

Me too

When you are in your mid-50s, you have seen a lot of racing...

Drive: Track it. Go cross-country. Explore. Track some more. Get up early and find a great bakery on a twisty, rural road. Teach my daughter about apexes, trail braking, balance, and control.

I am partial to the Chevy L88 that many Can Am cars were built around. Great sound, great power, and the most epic start up ever:

Large object falling from the sky, possibly heard saying,

Wolf 359? I am a little surprised that New Horizon’s sensors didn’t pick up more activity....

Agree 100%. I have owned many Volvos from basic trim to fancier; all had a long-lasting, well bolstered, and comfortable seat that was perfect for a long days drive.

Emmm, not so much, no:

Given the inherent desire for a competitive advantage with new rules or not (Merc v. Red Bull) this is a surprisingly good decision by the FIA.

Okay, this was my second choice (I went with memory over beauty & perfection). Well done.

For me, there is only one choice, a 1944 Jeep. After all, it wasn’t a pickup truck that beat the Nazis....

While the Nissan Z logo is beloved, my favorite badge is:

Did a cross-country a few years back and crossed the Mackinac Bridge; 200' above the lake, 26,300' long. Pretty impressive- glad it was a nice day...

A polite, but strong, disagreement from me.

Speaking as a former rural-area football coach...

Amen.  Preach it, HeartCondition.

Dodge Diplomat headlights: Scaring the crud out of my generation for decades...

Always and ever.
