124 Spider. 2 People, 9 Days, WA to Watkins Glen, NY and back.
124 Spider. 2 People, 9 Days, WA to Watkins Glen, NY and back.
Owner of a 2017 Abarth 124, here.
1978 Datsun 280Z 2+2. Silver, black leather, and set up for high-speed touring.
Godspeed and thank you, Patrick.
Thank you for posting this. Very moving.
Completely agree with you, Elizabeth; great film overall, with some minor glitches. I was very nervous going in, but left happy.
I’m good with this list.
As if carbon-neutrality is the reason I watch F1...
Not completely sure about the main question, I like 60. But, on a highway, anytime you turn off cruise control is “dropping out of warp”.
My TV buying (cable/satellite too) decisions have always been driven by the F1 feed. Installed cable when I could watch a race live (!), and had to upgrade to HD when F1 made the graphics smaller.
My experience has been that any shenanigans by a dealer are an automatic walkaway. Reputable dealers are around and worth taking time to find.
Nice. This is what racing is all about; pick your team and stick with ‘em, rain or shine, win or lose! (longtime McLaren fan here, it’s been... a fair bit since my Sundays were completely joyous).
Our family owned a Vega back in the day, 8-track player and all.
Spot on for me; open-minded and accepting for the theater (it IS art after all), but small inaccuracies become worse for home viewing.
I am always freshly impressed with the violence of performance driving. Yes, smooth=fast; but for professionals, the “smooth” part of a corner is so very compressed it comes off as violent. Very cool video, thanks for the post!
Completely off topic: I met the guy in the Ferarri hat at the 2016 US Grand Prix. Nice guy, and I think he goes to A LOT of races.
And don’t forget the complementary Lucas-brand smoke-generator!
There is only one choice, the EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle