
Truth. 124 Spider Abarth owner. Comfortable temp. range is 92-50F. But I need a hat below 60 (bald).

AND three pedals! Lap of the Gods at Monaco, indeed.

“Who’s the U-Boat Commander?”

Nice write up, Peter.

Truth: “Look, F1, if you truly want to be “green,” just don’t run races”

Well said. Ditto on all counts, Cash Rewards

Our family hosted an Ausie exchange student back in the day. She called them “Drop Bears” and claimed they were, as one would expect in Australia, “dangerous”.

Awesome list. Here are five more that I really enjoyed:

Grew up with a previous-to-your-photo-generation 280Z 2+2.

Ahh, the 1993 Prelude. Loved that car- had one back in the 90's. Proposed to my wife on a surprise beach trip in that car. Still admire that dash layout (not sure why I put a bra on, though...)

Queen + Ragnarok. Best. Idea. Ever.

Looks awesome in white!


Nice write up, Kristen. Thanks!

Having traveled to Austin last October for the race, my family loved RideAustin. Easy to use and we loved designating proceeds to the vast number of charities.

The visceral tingle/smile/thrill you get when you shut the door and fire up.


Now if I only had a whole extra day each week to “keep up” on another promising show. Unfortunately, I will mostly likely only have time to stick with the Grand Tour.

Nice article. Very interesting. Thanks, Eric.