Poop Medicine

Do the book, no question about it. The adaptation looks great so far, but I'd hate for you to miss out on how weird and cool the book is the first time through. It won't be as fun to read once you know what's coming, and there are some fucking harsh curve balls in there. Not even big plot twists (there's those

The middle-ish part where he's in Minnesota or whatever is kind of weird and almost feels like a different book, but it also introduced me to the understated majesty of the Cornish pasty so I really can't complain

How far are you? It's kind of uneven in a lot of places, but almost everything in there builds to something big and cool.

And honestly this is a project I want to see a lot of hype for. I really really liked the book and if they pull the adaptation off well, it'll bring a cool, fairly unique story to a much bigger audience. Also it'd be a damn shame if it was well done but didn't get to finish due to lack of interest

He's met his fans and he's seen his press, I can't imagine he doesn't know how people see him.

It actually makes a lot of sense if you read the book. He's the kind of meathead asshole that would fuck his best friend's wife while the friend is in prison. He's a real piece of shit, and I could see Cook looking great playing him. Also it should be a really small role anyway since the dude isn't even alive

Close enough

I've actually seen some of this that seemed genuine coming out of the Bernie fallout. Baby's First Election didn't pan out like they were hoping, so they go hard into conspiracy theorist thinking, which is just a hop skip and a jump away from the Jews being mad that North Korea isn't playing ball with their nefarious

That wouldn't be in the pearl, would it?

You'll be a living god

I don't even know if you need the word "essentially."

If you can't do something nobody else can do, just do something nobody else is willing to do

Yeah they sucked, but they were trying to do something. The thing they were trying to do sucked too, but I have to respect the effort and the desire to do something new. TFA was pretty unmemorable, because it was just doing exactly what they knew would work. Same story they've done before, get an empowered woman in

It seems like one of those industries where you're not allowed to not be nice at all times. I get why it's that way, but that's no way to live and it doesn't make for better art.

I was happy I remembered "likker." Look up a man called Popcorn Sutton if you're unfamiliar

Yeah cool people are inherently more likely to go somewhere with a different language and people and stuff. No offense to Australia but you're a pretty safe bet for someone that wants to speak English and eat familiar foods

Floridians are fucked up, sorry about that.

Honestly I think that's a big part of it, humans are weirdly well equipped to remember music. Let me put this to you: what sort of songs were they playing at your dances in middle and high school? I didn't like the music they would play at those, but if you mention any song that was popular at that time, my brain

I hated them the second I was able to connect the name to the dudes behind it. Let me illustrate this hate: I like some alt-country and some bluegrass and some folk punk and stuff like that, I have friends who used to hop trains that play it beautifully. What I don't like is seeing a band called "Doctor Father

It seems counterintuitive but I went ahead and threw my good headphones on, and that actually helped a lot. I wasn't into it at first, but once I could hear the subtleties a little better it helped.