
EV adoption also increases the need for fire hydrants along all residential, highway and freeway roads.  Have not read one article discussing the increased water needs for EV's. EV fires average 25, 000 gallons of water. ICE is around 800 gallons to extinguish a fire. EV fire on a freeway presents significant

Neither brand is known for reliability or fit and finish. Offer them in brand exclusive colors.  All bright green Dodge Hornets come with spare plastic splitter guards. 

1st Gear Any word on the age, condition and inflation of the tires? Did the truck meet safety requirements for when it was built?  2002 F150 will not perform the same as 2022 F150.  Tire born dates exist because of past tragedy.  I swap tires out regardless of mileage after 6yrs. 

Some municipalities no longer pursue over due fines. It's possible the driver is homeless. What was the trigger for this stop? Minor infraction the city should be held largely liable. Felony stop might lower the city culpability. 

If the tipping point for EV adoption is years or decades away it seems shortsided for manufacturers to abandon new ICE engine R&D. Would be cheaper, easier and greater impact for OEM’s to adopt 100% hybrid tech while also working toward EV adoption. Current EV tech does not pencil out with low winter Temps or high

Edsel was a fantastic bomb. Honorable mention to 2014 - 2020 Explorer with rear hvac that tried to poison the compartment with Carbon monoxide. 6.0l Diesel that broke under stock power levels. Ford Focus with dry transmission that has no fix for bad engineering. 

Electric vehicles require about 10x the water to fight a fire versus ICE. 

Average ICE car uses around 500gallons of water to extinguish. Average electric car fire uses around 25,000gallons of water to extinguish with possible reflash. How much water does an electric bus require for a fire? The batteries must be massive. Would be interesting to hear the electric bus manufacturer

1st Gear - Incentives should be income and cost limited. Most of the expired rebates went to people that didn’t need it. Should also have a sunset on any new extensions.  Ford has a 100k wait list on the new Lightning. Not sure why they need incentives on a backlog. The MachE is selling at $10k above Msrp in my area.

That will be debated until no one cares. 

3% of the 8% inflation rate is a big deal.

I don’t recall where I read the original article. My news feed is randomly generated by Google, FB and other places. I read a variety from varying points of view. Found this from the New Yorker from early April 2022. It’s Larry Summers, former advisor to Obama. Printing money for very short term gains is not new. GW

President Obama economic advisor stated two or three months ago Biden economic recovery plan was responsible for at least 3% of our current inflation. In Joe Manchin hadn't killed the additional spending who knows how bad the current inflation would be. 

4th Gear - Ford is going to contact reservation holder in July and August. Its time for people to start choosing configurations. Ford expects the reservation only people to drop off. By October Ford expects to have a better accounting of probable Lightning Sales. 

Locally the Mach E is advertised at $10k above Msrp. Even Msrp for the Mach E seems over priced. 

Many states require new replacement from certified retailer.  Not sure on the Fit. Older Prius is usually a goner with stolen cat. 

Twice I have taken a plane to purchase then drive home. 364miles. Saved over $12k on a new diesel truck versus local dealers. At the time airfare was $100. As long as return trip is no more than two days with single stay at a motel.

Smog not a concern in my State. However, with the Recession just starting this will be cheaper in 6months.

Not everyone lives in San Diego. A Marine I know learned from class action lawsuit. The Marines he served with also learned from possible class action paperwork. The epa link I shared does not mention the Marine Corp knowing their water wells were contaminated for years before any type of cleanup was considered. 

The US Marine Corp dumped hazardous chemicals near San Diego . Contaminated many of the wells on base. When discovered in the early 90's they said nothing despite only a few of the on base wells testing OK. I don't recall seeing this on the news. https://cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/SiteProfiles/index.cfm?fuseaction=secon