
Jeep Grand Cherokee vs Toyota 4runner. In ten years the 4runner will be worth more than the GC despite similar starting price points. Ford has its own share of problems. Does Ford Ecoboost still mount the water pump internally for the engine? When it failed it took out the engine. 

Chicago and Seattle area DA's will take that challenge. 

Washington State enacted copper theft laws. Thieves rented Uhauls to ship copper to Oregon. 50 State laws would move stolen inventory overseas.

Used Toyota minivan. They came with optional AWD. Lots of room to car camp. Decent mpg. Plenty of safety features.  4runner a great choice, however the upside down market is inflating pricing. 

If Tesla bricks itself while driving do airbags still work? The highlighted vehicle could have been easily hit on the 6 lane freeway. 

It seems the initial tow of vehicle due to unlicensed driver is fine. It's the 30day hold/seizure that's illegal. 

Agreed. Took a plane to the next State to save $13k on a truck.  Two other vehicles I passed 4 different dealers  to get the deal and vehicle options I wanted. 

If this happened locally the Prosecutor would let the thieves promise to show up in court later. No immediate jail time. The eventual punishment would be minimal. It's considered a victimless non violent crime. 

King County Prosecutor is very lax on crime.  Charging the 15yr old as a child to minimize jail time is not a surprise. 

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Normally 70% brake power goes to the front. 4wd with transfer case brings near equal brake power to every wheel.

Explanation given near the end of the video. This is true for transfer case equipped 4wd. Using the new style electronic controlled 4wd will likely produce different results. 

The advantageof a crumpled new vehicle is low medical bills. If a new vehicle easily bends and twists it will likely mean the occupant walks away versus old school tanks that transmit the full impact to the occupant. 

Myth : it’s OK to burn ATF or used motor oil in your diesel truck. This was marginally OK some years ago. Current generation diesel engines with tight tolerances will likely be damaged with unauthorized fluids

Depends on the type of snow and quantity. AWD has its drawbacks. Computer controls tend to slow down vehicle response time. Old school 4wd when engaged is always on. Transmission type also a factor. CVT prevents most types of tire spin. Agree that dedicated snow tires are great when needed. 

Mythbusters verified AC still a factor on fuel mileage. 

Thank Ralph Nader for lifetime fluids. Nader had some great points. Lifetime fluid, extended use spark plugs and diesel exhaust systems that die after 100k were bad unintended consequences. 

The entire package is a give away to people that don't need it. How many low income families are spending $55k on an electric car? Do they have a place to plug it in at night? Nissan sells quite a few Leaf's without US Gov help. Tesla seems to have figured out how to sell electric cars without Gov help. The entire

Need more Commercial Truck enforcement. Some companies use a fleet of poorly maintained trucks and new drivers to drive down the transportation costs. Greater enforcement would discourage poor maintenance. Right now the few fines paid are cheaper than safe trucks. 

Checked out the original Bolt at a local auto show. It was poorly put together. Seemed like an early 90's Kia. Doesn't surprise they have problems. GM probably had strict pricing guides for assembly from LG. 

Any chance the previous Camry renter didn't pay their bill in full? Avis may have sent a request for recovery without realizing it was already under Avis control.