
Went Toyota 4runner a few years ago. Should have done it sooner. I'd be money ahead if I had skipped all of the previous non Toyota products. 

Decent chance at least one of your other lug nuts is cross threaded. 

Ban negative equity rollover. It won't stop every bad decision. I've seen people decide they want something different  for whatever reason.  They are in the red on current loan. Allowed to roll that negative equity into the next car loan. Starting a terrible cycle. 

Is it available without 4wheel steering?  Rear steer and GM has meant high repair bill in the past.  

1999 Oldsmobile Alero. Bought new. Needed new pads and rotors every 6k miles. Dealer first said my wife doesn't know how to drive a car.  Informed the dealer my wife drove an 86 Honda Accord over the same route for years with only routine maintenance.  Dealer than said new cars are not designed to be driven in the

Traditional automatic transmission doesn't mind some wheel slip to get past an obstacle. CVT does not appreciate any wheel slip. 

I learned with my dad yelling at me in heavy traffic with a 1960 Manual 3 on the tree Chevy truck. This method seems easier. 

My sister paid the Toyota dealer for new brakes on her Camry. 6 months later she's in for routine oil change. They give her the heavy guilt trip on how dangerous the car is to drive. They want her to sign some paperwork releasing the dealership from fault over her bad brakes worn down to 10%. She told them to check

Bad press from losing a $63k check from TFL Car for a BMW purchase didn't do themselves any favors. 

The only Bentley Flying Spur painted flat black.

Can we blame Nissan for the next financial crash? 

Warn Winch for my Offroad Jeep. Bluetooth is convenient. Anything beyond that means very little to me. 

There was a Vin wiki story a month ago. The guy mentioned looking at a stolen F50 in Japan. 

Never understood GM loyalty. The GM products I did own were terrible. Tried other brands before landing on Toyota.  Which is great. No appointments or the associated hassle of dropping off a vehicle for warranty work. 

Would the insurance have a clause concerning racing? Insurance might be of little use to them.

Locally a guy was purposely shooting at a police officer. Released with no bail due to jail Covid policy and lenient judge. Speeding and wrecking a car seems like jaywalking.

I had a nice stock XJ some time ago. Drove the Liberty when it first hit the lot. Pass. Bought the new 2014 Cherokee Trail Hawk. Lemon Law'd it.  Now have an Off-road 4runner. The 4runner is simple and reliable.  Scheduled maintenance only. 

I typically buy upper mid tier price tires. 

It has to be anything but Liberty. The Jeep Liberty was an awful replacement for the XJ Cherokee. 

5th gen 4runner has electric heated windshield.  No need to mess with wipers in the air. It defrosts quickly.