
Any bee that lands on or near me that’s the same size as a human finger is getting boot crush. 

84month car loan?

Stupidity is equal opportunity. I've seen vehicles no longer considered safe due to age driving dangerously. 

1st gear Borg Warner has significant tornado damage. Could slow Ford manufacturing. 

Employees watching adult content at work is OK with customers walking around? So much fail while blaming the female. 

Distracted walking is part of the problem. Some pedestrians do not look before stepping into traffic. No head turn, zero concern for their personal safety. Cellphones on pedestrians and in vehicles contribute to the problem. Big infotainment systems have proven to be distracting. Jalopnik car reviews usually mention

Some small businesses have already collapsed.  

In my area, KBB is way off. Jeep Wrangler, Subaru, 4runner and a few others never reflect KBB. If they approach KBB pricing there's something wrong.

The 37's do not help fuel efficiency.  With stock tires/height you should expect 13/14mpg with the camper. 

State Governments are letting out a variety of criminals and accused due to Covid 19. Why bother with Police chases for probable misdemeanors? The car could be stolen. It will probably be dumped when the car runs out of fuel. 

Time for Ford and everyone else to figure out Tesla direct sales methods.

A resulting Great Depression from stay at home orders could easily kill as many or more compared to Covid 19. Many State Governors are picking winners and losers when shutting down their respective States.  There has to be a point of diminishing returns on Stay At Home orders. 

Went on a road trip with a friend. ATM ate the card. Sucks having lost it at the beginning of the trip. Feel sorry for this Tesla owner. 

Friends mom had an 86' Buick Regal T Type.  She loved the car. Had to sell it. Every Mustang wanted to race her. Most trips to the store had men approaching her to buy the car. 

4th Gear. Dealerships have service departments that maintain fleet vehicles. Police, Fire etc. 

Alternators are usually cold rated. They produce less power as they warm up. Your recharge time will vary depending on under hood temps.  

Pacific Northwest has had some XJ's stolen recently.  Car theft just became illegal (again) in Oregon. It seems theft enforcement is hit and miss in Oregon. Seattle area has seen its share of XJ theft. 

Ozone Generator 

Reliable Toyota to VW. What could go wrong? 

Not surprised to see comments section defending Apple Carplay. Infotainment systems contribute to vehicle reliability problems. Infotainment systems are quickly outdated. Infotainment repairs will be a problem when the OEM no longer supports it. I have seen many people playing with their infotainment while poorly