
Would an old school Key Ignition perform better than push button on/off?

I do not see the side airbag deployment. 

Locally,  LoJack has led police to chop shops. LoJack info has been enough to get a warrant for police to enter the premises and retrieve multiple stolen items and shutdown that particular crime ring. 

Big strong bumpers made for the sake of strength should go away. A few big bumpers are designed for airbags and to bend before the vehicle frame bends. I have a well engineered bumper because of too many close calls with nature running in front of me. I also allow any small car that wants to in front of me. Small fast

I chose Win7 for its longevity. Average life on the road for vehicles continues to increase. Let’s say vehicle software patches only go ten years. Then what? At ten years of age vehicles become available to lower income brackets. Now lower income brackets are stuck with unsafe, unpatched vehicles.

When the vehicle dies, move the rear axle to your offroad Jeep. 

No internet connection for my vehicle please. How long are patches available?  Will the software fixes cost a monthly subscription.  Will cars be deemed obsolete like Windows 7 or iOS 9 due to low ram? 

I need airconditiong and power windows. Everything else could stay or go. 

Camry. Built in Alabama and Japan. Supposedly the 2013 American built Camry had ring problems while the Japanese made did not. Toyota will not confirm or deny. Sister had a Japanese built 2006 Camry by chance. Glass was more expensive than the American built Camry. Same cars built differently. 

New Blazer could have been called Traverse RS  or some other bland name and no one would have cared. It's obvious New GM is not trying.

I don't get the front plate controversy.  Its reflective. Seems safety related. 

Locally the used GX is a bit cheaper than comparable 4Runner.  Downside is the timing belt replacement. V8 upside is increased towing capacity. 

This could be a Doug Demero bumper to bumper warranty writing bonanza. 

Apple Carplay will not be around in 20yrs. When Apple changes the name/app to the next great thing does that require a new $300 payment?

It could have been a Ferrari prototype to take on the Polaris Slingshot.

Many RV parks have lengthy and storage problems for a trailer.

There are brand new left over 2018 Jeep Wranglers left over still on dealer lots at discount. Options vary. These are old style JK and new style JL. About $26k. This means full warranty.  There is a reason they are popular for RV towing.   RV brake toad kits are easily available for Wranglers.  Adding to any other

ARB bumpers are designed to fold before the vehicle frame. ARB also designs bumpers to allow airbags to work and for pedestrian safety. Usually because of Australian law. The scary bumpers are the super strong over built steel bumpers with no give.  Unknown which bumper is on these GX470's. 

I was just checking pricing on XJ's. Pricing is unbelievable.  They used to be cheap in the Seattle area. This seems priced right for the region.