
Oh, also, if you are using those bullshit email trackers, you’re violating someone’s privacy. No one should have the right to see if their email was opened without the recipient know that particular email is being tracked in such a way before they open it.

Maybe she really didn’t do it? Even if she had, it would be bad for her to admit to it at this point and I bet a good portion of the people wanting her to admit it wouldn’t admit it if their places were switched. 

No it’s not. 

We really don’t need to talk about Lauren Duca, just some of the ideas you discussed. This could have then been about 1/4 to 1/2 as long. This is reads like a hit piece disguising itself as a thoughtful piece about the issues brought up, rather than an actual thoughtful piece about said issues.

People, even people of

You disagreeing with his point is the most idiotic thing you’ve said so far. Your expensive car to cheap car is not an applicable analogy at all.

You said he can build a tunnel for less. If he moved way less dirt, needed less concrete, etc. to support the smaller tunnel, then you can’t just say he saved $90M/mile. If

Who are those “other people”?

Actually it wasn’t that bad after 9/11. I flew the next spring and the airport was still much better than it is now. 

In Finland I was told they don’t have laundry mats. Instead there’s like some type of service that comes and picks up clothes on the regular or something. Luckily I packed enough clothes.

A brand new one really isn’t that affordable though.

You replied to the wrong comment.

If it’s going to have AWD, the ability to make it 100% RWD for an authentic RWD experience is essential. It should be easy to do and just an indicator in the instrument panel comes on to let you know AWD is off.

As my first car was AWD, even a shitty one, I really enjoy the AWD driving dynamic, but I’ve heard such fun

It’s not meant to fit a “train-type vehicle.” It’s meant to fit passenger car-sized vehicles.

He made a much smaller tunnel that wouldn’t fit a decently sized train type vehicle in it, without needing to pass nearly as many regulatory hurdles as a longer, functional tunnel would, that also seems to have less features a normal tunnel has.


Down with Kinja!

. . . . . these must be the hellholes I don’t want to visit. If I were a bar owner they’d be banned. Kid visiting mom or dad at work might be a different story.

The high pitch screaming that often accompanies a toddler meltdown hurts my ears, an adult asshole not so much. Also it’s really satisfying to see an adult asshole get their comeuppance.

Could be he’s getting the couch for free.

Honestly not a horrible idea. Or is it? I can’t decide. 

Those people need to cease to exist. 

I’ll just go find that job tree over something minor like this.

Also, working on it, but not because of this, but because I’m done with this type of work. This project was a 2 month project. Tomorrow is our 1 year anniversary, lol.