
This seems to be a quarterly theme, the rehashing of Iraq and how Obummer screwed up the great decision that was Iraq since it was proven that Saddam shook Osama’s hands and traded yellow cake together 5k US dead and $2+ trillion in the hole later...

Ok... first off, since I don’t have time to get real sources, here’s Wikipedia:

Thats bread and salt. A traditional Slavic greeting. Your comment is just as stupid as the photo.

Wasting Oligarch money, maybe. Putin’s misadventures are currently being shouldered entirely by the population. Nobody will be prosecuted for destroying the relatively new Russian middle class, in a handful of years.

Wait what?? $33.5 million to upgrade a missile carrier??

Well 156 actually, since you need at least 6 kills before you can get a predator drone strike.

I’m black and I think that’s a really absurd way of thinking about the push for diversity. It’s incredibly limiting to think that each person should only fight for the success of and draw attention to the struggles of the group they belong to.

*when the media started paying attention to epidemic of police violence,

Guys... HE BROUGHT STACEY DASH OUT. He is fucking with everyone.

Ohhhh. Is that how it works? You assume people are guilty?

Have you seen the general prison cost figures in this country? Then look at the prisons that were converted over to private ownership. Skyrocketing costs.

Yes, those private contractors need to get payed somehow.

Sadly I have. That crap is even scarier, especially considering that several people have been arrested for purposely sending people to prison in exchange for kickbacks from committing very minor crimes

If they were released and became terrorists that doesn’t mean they were terrorists before they were arrested. To me that’s a predictable result of unjustly imprisoning someone without due process for however many years.

You’re actually attributing the possibility that these people will rejoin their cause once released on this president? As much as I disliked Bush I’m not sure I could have sold that one on even him.

Actually, I believe it was “Shut down Guantanamo” and the Republicans (and some Democrats) said “no”.

And of course what’s maybe even more alarming than the monetary cost is the fact that most of the people held in Gitmo are innocent and held without due process. So the bigger cost would be to America’s reputation really. You simply can’t represent yourself as the country that stands for freedom and justice blah blah

I think the cost to hold each prisoner in GITMO is already in the millions per man already. And remember, over half ever held there had no ties to terrorism whatsoever. They were picked up at the wrong place at the wrong time, or given to us by warlords.

My wife and I moved to our new house 40 miles, costing only a few hundred bucks in fuel and a rental truck. How much stuff could those guys possibly have?