
+1 Drunken Family Reunion

When you've had the kind of drought the Skins have had, there comes a time that even your Cousins start to look pretty good.

Yup. When Rush Limbaugh raked Sandra Fluke over the coals for it, I was fucking furious.

Sorry about your penis.

The 72 hour waiting period cannot include weekends, men really need to think about the risks of taking ED pills. No one’s trying to restrict access to Viagra, this is all about men’s health!

What lie? This pamphlet right here notes that there is a 95.7% chance your penis will fall off if you use ED meds. Pamphlets don't lie!

And make sure they have to drive 3 hours, preferably to another state, in order to see a doctor who will, by state mandate, lie to them.

If it's real, legitimate impotence the male body has a way of preventing it on its own. Anything else and they must have allowed it or enjoyed it, so no need to provide medication.

I, for one, totally believe the hockey parents had a perfectly civil conversation with the rude and possibly drunk referees, who then tripped and fell resulting in the injuries.

This reminds me of all the men who got pissed, and are still pissed, that Obamacare requires insurance companies to cover birth control for women. The same insurance companies that were already voluntarily covering Viagra. But, you know, women should only get birth control covered if they’re married and not sinning

Why can’t men accept impotence as what it so very clearly is? God’s will for them.

I say we need to keep a log of the wood, perhaps even a 72 hour reflection period before each dose to make sure they really want to go in there.

Let's all just hope the US doesn't end up in Cruz control.

The Clinton deal also included the promise to build two light water reactors for the north, which Bush then canceled. While I think the DPRK are a bunch of little dipshits, it’s hard to blame them for breaking the nuclear deal when the US broke it first.

Well, to be fair, that’s with our installed dictator. Iran pre-sha is what I remember....secular and democratic. But then they nationalized their oil industry and we were like, nope, can’t have that!


Well vacant lots do bring in some taxes since the property still has value just a low one. And i understand the theory behind doing it. Just I have yet to see numbers on an actual case where the little guy isn’t boned.

TIF abuse in Missouri is rampant. I hope Kroenke gets crucified on this shit.

Diverted tax doesn’t cost taxpayers anything? Nice try, Stan