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    Huge Motorola 68000 chip.

    @Celtic1888: It's not a no-brainer decision to commit to another two years of shitty service with AT&T. You have to really want the iPhone to overlook that.

    @RaoulDuke42: "Gimme foo gimme fi gimme jabbajabbajah!"

    I think all the people who complained about black bars on their 4:3 TV sets should be prohibited from HD. They haven't earned it.

    I think it's a safe bet that more than half of the HDTV sets in living rooms across America are displaying SD content in a Zoom mode that stretches the picture to fill the screen.

    @TheCrudMan: That's their way of telling you to upgrade to HD.

    @nutbastard: If you had a 2.39:1 TV then you'd be complaining about the black bars on the sides for all the 16:9 TV shows and 1.66:1 - 1.85:1 movies, and the super extreme black bars on the sides for academy ratio (1.375:1) films and 4:3 TV shows.

    @HK-47: Are you suggesting that movies which are wider than 16:9 should be cropped to fit 16:9?

    I use a Zalman laptop cooling pad and it really works. Temps are 15C lower than before.

    I call bullshit publicity stunt.

    No mention of the $100 bump in the entry level price.

    @Stetrain: The article points out that problem and explains how this concept solves it. It combines evaporative cooling with a desiccant to remove moisture from the air.

    @tonyd1987: You can't expect that kind of simple logic from AT&T. For example, the $20/month fee for tethering which doesn't include any additional data, it's $20 only for the privilege of being able to hit the same data cap using a different device. Or the AT&T microcell which uses your broadband to connect calls,

    There should be a second ball. This would add a new dynamic where a team may have to play offense and defense at the same time, or double defense, or even double offense which would probably be rare.

    FIFA fuckers have already blocked the video.

    @Canoehead: I have the Falcon but it's still in the box, waiting until the day I live in a larger place where I'll have both the space to assemble it and the space to display it afterward.

    If the days of unlimited data are over, then all monthly plans should be abolished too. Let us pay a published rate per-megabyte on the amount we actually used, or prepay for an allotment of data that does not expire, EVER. We should be able to buy 1 GB of data and use it at our leisure. If it takes a year, so be it.

    @OCEntertainment: You forgot to add tethering into the mix. $20 for the privilege of chaining another device to use up the same monthly allotment.

    Holy crap, all that red is going to bias everything you see on the TV. The wall behind a TV should be a neutral gray with D65 backlighting to a level of 10% daylight.