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    A similar thing happened during a World Series game in the '80s at the NBC station in Macon, Georgia. Someone's account of how it happened was on the web a few years ago but I can't find it now.

    @Dexomega: It wouldn't work on TV. They did this in a theater using a camera flash.

    @hawkeye18: It's often the case that one or more employees are required to do tasks such as this every day, perhaps multiple times a day, even if it is not necessary and even if it is futile.

    @ItsMeMasih: Security by obscurity is not a good idea.

    It's unbelievable how many of you are taking the TSA's side.

    @Aideh: And he cried all the way to the bank.

    It looks like a stormtrooper helmet made from milk jugs.

    The lead author of the study forgot to tell the New York Times that he is funded by Bayer, who manufactures a neurotoxin pesticide that has been accused of killing bees.

    Everyone keeps complaining about a laugh track but the show is taped with a live audience.

    @SewerShark: That's like saying credit card fraud is not stealing because you're not holding up a liquor store and taking real cash.

    @junk-dna: My WRT160N has done the same thing. Although I haven't seen Yahoo substituted for Google, more than once I've seen MySpace appear instead of Facebook.

    @TVGenius: Oh my, that's a problem. I have a solution. Let's shitcan the entire broadcast TV system altogether.

    It's really discouraging to see so many people here defending the idea that licenses cannot be transferred if the fine print says so.

    This is the same court that only a few weeks ago said police can plant a GPS device on your car and track your location without a warrant.

    Not nearly as funny as Dokken vs. Chicken

    @minibeardeath: There's one in front of my workplace that has a photocell to dim it as the sun goes down.

    21:9, oh boy! Does it have a StupidStretchDeluxe button on the remote so that millions of morons can eliminate the black bars that will appear with 1.85:1 movies, 16:9 HDTV shows, classic academy ratio films, and 60 years legacy of 4:3 TV shows?