“also she may or may not have always been female, nobody is quite sure on that one.”
“also she may or may not have always been female, nobody is quite sure on that one.”
It’s comes with Cinematic Mod.
This isn't a Halo 5 custscene. This is a Halo 2 Anniversary custscene.
I loved it too. Can't wait to see what Ninja Theory does with Hellblade.
Nah, I think she looks a lot more like Trip from their game Enslaved Odyssey.
Terrible example, that screenshot was always misleading. There were thousands of people in that group and this screenshot only shows about 20 people that actually bought the game. Also, the front page only shows the people that are in-game so of course you'll see all of people that are playing it on release day.
This isn't cutting corners. There's no reason to animate something you cant see.
That's never happened when I've played a hostage map in CS:GO.
┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) ┬──┬
I purchase Blu-rays all the time. They still look and sound much better than any digital streaming content.
Dota 2 is all cosmetic. There is zero pay-2-win.
Thanks for the info. It makes a lot more sense now. I would have never guessed it has nothing to do with the Devil Goat.
Yeah, I've done that glitch many times but I've only flown straight up to space once. When you normally do the Devil Goat Glitch you usually glitch all over the map but you never go higher than the invisible wall but this one time I just kept going straight up.
Yep, that's the normal way to do it. I'm not sure how to replicate it this way again though. I love finding weird glitches. I especially remember the Halo 2 super bounces and finding way out of maps. Good times.
Yeah, I've done the crazy fly all over the place glitch many times but I've only flown to space once. Not sure what caused it but it's great.
The glitches are what makes this game great. For no reason at all I started flying to space after getting run over by a truck. It's awesome! Now if only it had co-op than it would be perfect.