
Another Ford tidbit I find amusing, (although irrelevant to the debate of presidential physcial prowess), he preferred the U of Michigan fight song over Hail to the Chief for his entrance music.

Ford would’ve been pretty tough in the Presidentail Kumite. He may have had some neurological damage from football, but he was still in pretty good physical shape during his presidency.

But the ultimate champion is Teddy Roosevelt. That motherfucker would destroy any other President.

Hitting a baseball is incredibly hard. However, given infinite chances, I will eventually make good contact and clear the fence.

Given infinite chances at dunking, I will still never get more than 8" off the ground.

Perhaps these young men are a choir and are using Curwen hand signs.

He’s still head and shoulders above the other QBs on the roster.

She just needed to have that cat so bad that she basically prevented the ushers and team from properly taking in the cat. At least rally cat wisely ran away from her.

And you just know she was gonna try to profit off that cat, too. Going on local TV morning shows, Rally Cat cat appearances at pet shops and shit like

TIL: They have Chipotle in London.

(please note that, with the exception of the Jets, I only considered teams that have never won a Super Bowl):

Yep. It was definitely time to move on, but we’re gonna miss him for a couple years cause he was a lot better than what we replaced him with.

I’m gonna order a custom jersey spelled “Trubinsky” just because.

The 737 height isn’t really important, it was 4th in line.

Hey, if he doesn’t want to be convinced, let him do what he wants. I’ll be stepping over his unconscious body on my way out of the plane.

Yeah, that’s gotta drop them down a few spots. I’m not sure what they were doing.

NTSB released more info today, including some still frames of video. Seriously close.

One of the best wiki edits ever.

I switched to automatic when I moved to California from Illinois. Drove that stick for many years, but one summer in Los Angeles was enough.

Despite coming from the flatlands, I learned quickly how to shift going up and down hills. But the stop-n-go on the hills with a-holes behind me stopping two inches from my

I’d bet the guy shouldering the 30lbs camera to bring you that Gordon Ramsey clip wore shorts to work.

+1 Whammlette breakfast