
But he's playing with himself.

Maybe your friend needs to be forgiven, Daft Punk wears those suits to keep their personal identity concealed as much as possible. And they look kick-ass.

It'll be great because Greenwood can't do wrong.

It'll be great because Greenwood can't do wrong.

Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Warner Brothers.

Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Warner Brothers.

Mario and Luigi.

Mario and Luigi.

Really sad stuff. The chances of finding the cause have got to be incredibly slim. Also, the collapse could have just as easily happened while Radiohead was performing their show.. I think this will take a major toll on them.

Really sad stuff. The chances of finding the cause have got to be incredibly slim. Also, the collapse could have just as easily happened while Radiohead was performing their show.. I think this will take a major toll on them.

The women have a tattoo around their ankle.

The women have a tattoo around their ankle.

Was it his character that made Janice stick a vibrator up his poop chute?

If he gets that much, Snookie should get paid ten times that. Because she is that much better at doing whatever it is that they do.

Is that picture Kanye in a Puff Daddy costume?

I give it two months.