It goes without saying that most of us are overly attached to our cell phones. And, while many of us recognize that w…
Thanks to pornography, facials a more commonplace sexual fantasy. While ejaculating on a face may seem innocuous,…
Whether you're an avid computer builder or just love the look of a little silicon, these computer component…
Readers offer their best tips for avoiding Facebook malware, archiving big receipts, and cleaning up crumbs after…
Stop me if you've heard this one: Once upon a time, you visited a web site that you're not exactly proud of. Let's…
A JavaScript exploit has allowed all kinds of not-at-all-safe-for-work sites to pop up sites and text through…
Open-source software maker Mozilla's Blog of Metrics digs into statistics on Private Browsing, Firefox's option that…
OpenDNS already offered a great content filtering tool that you could set up on your home Wi-Fi router. Now the DNS…
Click to viewIn a hasty late-night email exchange, Steve Jobs proclaims that the iPad revolution involves "freedom…
Apple CEO Steve Jobs published an open letter called Thoughts on Flash detailing why Apple doesn't allow Flash to…
Many people wrote off the incognito and private-browsing modes introduced recently in popular web browsers as for…
43Marks is yet another customizable start page á la iGoogle or Netvibes which includes a prominent search box for…
Worried about unwanted porn in the home or workplace? ScrubIT promises to block that stuff (and more) at the server…
So you love the internet, but you hate all the history, cookies, and incriminating whatnots hanging around your…
Mac OS X Tiger's Safari updates include a private browsing mode which lets you surf the web without saving the sites…