
Actually no that’s not what I’m saying why don’t you pull your head out of your ass and go reread what I said.

So different! Media is here is a total circus, it’s hard to know what to believe sometimes. Thank you!!! Looking forward to it!

And you’re right that it would be sick to release the videos and I wouldn’t want to watch them if they did, but in America, I have only seen headlines and short articles describing vaguely what happened and one short video with a couple interviews from victims that seemed highly produced.

I would think that either way

Women are also capable of being white supremacists and committing conspiracies. I only saw the testimonies of 4 women who were all immaculately made-up, white, and measured in their delivery, which I KNOW is not necessarily my call to make but this is, after all the comment section on Jezebel where people are supposed

I was just communicating a theory based on my own very scant knowledge of the situation and I genuinely really appreciate you taking the time to explain things rather than just jumping down my throat and calling me ignorant. Thank you for being a rational, helpful internet person.

Do you think you could give me the

Just a thought— is there any evidence of these assaults?Surely there must be video footage somewhere what with the proximity to the Cathedral and a train station and the fact that there were hundreds of attacks happening simultaneously you’d expect the media outlets to be swamped with albeit grainy footage of these