As long as he’s not fooled by the rocks that she’s got. Otherwise, it won’t work.
As long as he’s not fooled by the rocks that she’s got. Otherwise, it won’t work.
Ok a Wookie. But if we’re going to let the Wookie win, I’d rather it be Chewbacca...I’ll even take Peter Mayhew with just the mask over Trump.
“And the lotion and powder have made a paste!” Whenever anyone mentions leather pants it’s the first line I think of...
Raccoons are on a short list of animals who could punch and/or karate chop you. No animal should wield such power.
He was probably just “standing his ground.”
Yes! We need more badass women in the MCU...
Agreed! I’m hoping A.K.A. Jessica Jones is just as good. She’s got a pretty dark backstory...
Chet is not only a rap visionary but he's psychic as well.
It's not always the ladies. My husband does ALL those things and it drives me completly insane! It's one fluild movement to open and close a door!
I've had my share of run ins with random celebs because of my job.
I was stating that as more of a rhetorical question.
I just cannot believe the gaul of that man..and his wife. Why does having your hair straightened or pulled back equated with "professional" or "classy"? I saw this today and it made me emotional because I saw myself in those little girls:
This is also a great interaction with cows. They apparently love jazz.
I love how she said: "I went to WalMart and bought all this shit." (the shit was bleeped out) But that's basically her explaining her "art" right there.
That was also the first thing that sprung to mind when I read that line. Al can do NO WRONG! There's also Amish Paradise: