
I need to watch the show again. It was good.

I thought i was the only one that remembered that show... 

I would love a van. Love everything about them. Just... rolling probable cause comes to mind... i get stopped enough as it is.

4 for $99! I remember selling the crap out of those around 2002. And oh boy the comebacks on those babies! They put me through tech school so I can’t complain too much. 

I want. Checks bank account. Stands in corner and pouts. 

Can’t watch the videos at work but if it doesn’t sound like Wagner’s “Flight of the Valkyrie’s” on start up I will be disappointed.

That does funny things to me... And I don’t normally like Mazdas. Must be the spoiler. 

2 car seats.... So I assume 4 people total. Lets see, open top, 4 people, kinda fun and unique. Hummer H1 convertible.

I have to wear sunglasses at night because of those idiots. Prevents me from suffering from a migraine for 2 days. I get weird looks too, those “oooh, a douchy Subaru owner wearing sunglasses at 2 am” kinda looks. Honestly it’s no better when I drive my Xterra.

No Fiero? No MR2? No Volvo Wagon? Well the 850 R might be... I doubt I will get this one.

The original paint job on the movie car was..... horrendous at best. Hence the more marketable blue respray. I might need to revisit my old divorce settlement and see if I can put a bid on it.

Dammit now I want lasagna. Was going to cook steak and eggs tonight :(

Nissan Xterra 

How about the Supra behind it....

Someone had to take the plunge. We couldn’t all be born with a plastic spoon in our mouths. 

Nope. The electric power steering isn’t much better than the DAS steering. I WAS going to get a red sport when I turned in my Mercedes lease, but the steering killed it for me. I work for an Infiniti dealer and get some mad incentives. Other than the steering (alignments are a nightmare), some recent engine concerns (

Ahhh stripper cars. I remember my dad arguing over $40 for the radio in a brand new Dodge Omni. The dealer eventually pulled it out to save $28 on the purchase price. Had to pay a tech to take it out. Cost him $60 to put another radio in. I still don’t understand his logic, like having a Dodge Omni as your only car,

Goat’s milk actually. It was marginal. At best. Didn’t pair well with my Cheerio’s at 2 am. 

I’ve had the scourge of brucellosis. Not pleasant. Here it is years later and I still have ongoing heart issues. It felt like a mild case of the flu, but with massive heat burn. My heart swelled up so much I suffered a near lethal heart attack. I’ve had 3 more since then. Though the testicles are normal sized. So I’ve

Its all in how much and who you have to pay. I avoided 2 years in jail. Cost me a fortune, still haven’t recovered from the financial hit. But no jail time, and no record.