
I misread the title. I was expecting DD hunting down a serial child killer but it ended up being a story of exploding robot girls on a kamikaze mission. It is morbidly funny to see this but my initial thought was more intriguing. I think if they made a DD movie that was more like a thriller with a superhero in the

I've been telling people this for years. We are entering an age of accountability. In a world where we are all monitored passive or actively by anyone, whether it be civilian or government. It'll take time for everybody to realize this and act accordingly. Until then, every idiot who says something obscene will be

The more articulation this guy's face got over the season's, the creepier he got to me. Nightmare fuel this guy was.

I liked how that guy lit a cigarette with a fresh jar.

That was the longest fail I have ever seen. 40 whole seconds of Russian expletives in the launch room.

I get that. It was a really cool idea with the liquid metal displays. I just wish they used it on the Jor-El hologram. I would have liked seeing Russell Crowe in that metal statue texture.

Now playing

I enjoyed the film, and this one discrepancy didn't ruin the film for me. I'm just expressing that they took the time to flesh out a lot of Krypton, they even explain the armor, yet they completely ignore the differences in display technology. A culture that is as totalitarian as Krypton is would issue the technology

I know that. What I'm asking is that if we are Kryptonians in the film and we have life like hologram technology, why not use it in all communication technology? It's like having everyone walk around with old 80's brick cell phones and then having apple face-time touch screens in our cars. That's what I am asking. It

The 3D displays were cool but I completely didn't understand why they had them when Jor-El appears as a photo realistic hologram on the ships.

you might as well wonder how the ricin lab got in your basement along with the letters post marked to the president. Cuz that's what they'll "find" when they trace your drone back to you.

Treat Williams and Joe Piscopo. I loved this movie as a kid.

This is my favorite part, "After a minor setback when she turned off the light manually to make it "time to get up," it has worked like a charm!" I love it when toddlers figure out how to beat the system.

wow, no I didn't. I just started commenting but I looked up the article. Thanx.

Watch your house go insane when you play charades.



Why couldn't this have happened to Hugh Jackman?

Cloning would shatter all notion of self. At least until we learn that we are made up of our experiences and now our matter. It is what we do that defines us( yes I stole that from Batman Begins). But people are gonna keep thinking that we are what we are from the start until death.

I didn't think I'd like it either but I do. I watched the first few episodes and couldn't stop. Thank God for Netflix. I'm really looking forward to the new season.