
well DUH, the bottomline is always the money, its a company for gods sake, doesn't have to be activision. and obviously the RTS game would make them money, but i already gave the reason why they won't do it and its the story conflicts.

well yeah, that's the point i made. blizzard can churn out excellent games as long as they don't have conflicting storylines.

15 seconds, just the right amount of time given your attention span.

they're making hearthstone and heroes of the storm along with warlords of draenor... it's not really about the money, it's more on difficulties in writing the story when there are two games released at once at the same universe.

grom is gonna kill garrosh, best way to kill that crazy man.

A bunch of people watching videos with obviously forced reactions. gee sign me up. in reality, you either burst out laughing, just look puzzled, or have no reaction at all.

What Blizzard does well for its characters is have a very good backstory for a lot of them. believe me, if you know your WoW lore, this great game that just got greater gets even greater.

it's weird how games in pokemon's genre, basically collect monsters and fight with them, are so scarce.

difference of square enix and blizzard entertainment. if you do something like this for blizzard, you get a job, a high-five, and a place/character/easter egg inside the game.

wow. people like these exist? damn... no wonder that hobbit is famous.

i only play wow for the lore, really. blizzard tends to pull things out of their asses and ignore for years, but then when they actually get right to it, they make an amazing story out of it. world of warcraft lore is amazing, most games can't compare to the vastness of it.

why so much hate? ESPN is to sports as History Channel is to history. They will show anything as long as it has at least a little relation to sports.

hey guys, 5 years from now we'll remember how thor odinsson lost his first name, the name he was born with, for the sake of brand-recognition.

ubisoft said it themselves. there will be strong female characters in assassin's creed unity's story. you just don't get to play as them. they're gonna focus on the story of Arno, whose personality is speculated to be a mix of haytham and ezio <— that's pretty cool IMO.

well sure yeah. but i'm pretty sure a giant fireball to the face would generate more threat than my mere presence.

i was talking to a person i assumed as a woman (turns out i was wrong, actually i don't know he/she could be either) -> i said you people instead of you girls/women -> feminism isn't exclusive to women-> your argument is moot. period.

wow so hateful. doesn't know how to admit their own mistakes and a hateful heart. what a combination. :) and who knows? maybe you came out a man's ass too given that you believe there is a scientific possibility of that happening. i don't remember what was happening when i was born, so yeah, maybe...

i was talking about the people complaining about ubisoft's design choices when i said "you people." i like how you immediately came to the conclusion i was talking about women in general. i guess it's fun to assume the worst out off people. but seriously, i highly doubt my fetal head could have come out of a man.

you know what's much easier? just don't read my arguments. just don't bother analyzing what i say. just turn off your brain while reading my posts. because it is so evident that you didn't really read anything that i wrote. because it so evident that you do not understand my views at all. but that's alright. just

but not today