Wayne Robert Smith

Too much religion this series, too much fantasy too. Classic Who has actually become more appealing than this rubbish. Why can't this show evolve like all the other scifi out there. Doctor Who should be leading the way in time travel theory. Steven Moffat has clearly never heard of Multiverse Theory or Paradoxes being

I like scifi. No interest in magic. Moffat is a scientifically illiterate scumbag. Peddling pseudoscience is as bad as peddling religion and he's doing both.

Heaven, asking Daleks if they have a soul, am I a good man Clara. Peter Capaldi is a Catholic and Steven Moffat is letting him wave it in the face of audiences. No idea why but its ruined the show for me. I've watched it since the Jon Pertwee era but no more. Moffat sucks.

Everything is spam but atleast this is relevant. I'm not selling sunglasses or Viagra. Don't even make money. It's just Peter Capaldi's Fan Page.

I haven't watched since episode 2. Too religious. I prefer my scifi without endless references to supernatural hogwash. Might watch it later on DVD.