Wayne Gale

I almost picked Gregg Araki's Doom Generation over Trainspotting (Cocteau Twins, Slowdive, The Verve, Love and Rockets, Aphex Twin, Medicine, Ride…sheesh)

I was lucky enough to see John C. Reilly do Walk Hard live. It was after a private Walk Hard screening downtown Chicago, then unbeknownst to the audience, John C stepped on stage telling everyone there were busses outside to take us to the Cubby Bear to see Dewey Cox perform. He rode in the buses with us, chatting and

Taylor talking to his new team briefly couldn't really have been handled poorly, and the Taylor's walking away is a beautiful image. Therefore, I consider FNL ending in Texas, as it should, with Rigs getting the final bit of dialogue. He should have just yelled, "I love this town!," laughed and clapped his hands.

Yeah, my fault on FNL. Sorry about that everyone, as I should have clarified. That moment, with the sun setting and Rigs spouting that line, just felt so fake and kind of the official farewell line, where Tami and Coach walk off the field with the lights shutting off. I didn't have a problem with that, but Rigs felt

Why is Drew Fortune a made-up name? I think it seems perfectly cromulent.