
“of course, if you live in a basement that’s going to affect your signal strength

prime members already get a a discount

prime members already get a a discount

And her boobs got bigger.

Article from Forbes Contributor :

Maybe screwing with genetics is what caused all this crap in the first place.

That’s why they choose to call then ‘Police Actions’, not wars.

I hope this is the one time that pictures can be scrubbed from the internet.

The worrisome part of all this is the news stories that say “The U.S. military shot down a missile today as proof that we can.” But they knew that one was coming, I will be impressed when they shoot down one of NK’s test shots.

I miss Obama!

If you all would remember the “/s” for sarcasm , this wouldn’t happen.

Did any one notice that he seems to smile all the time lately?

The Apple doesn’t fall far from the penthouse does it?????

I think I might know cough* trump cough*

It’s only fitting that Amazon builds here, since it was in part their fault that the malls failed.

And why is the store I want always on the opposite end from where I parked.

Then perhaps the Americans should take a page from the playbook of those ‘stupid’ illegal aliens. They come here, live 2 or 3 families to a 2 bedroom apartment, work minimum pay jobs until they save enough to start their own business or buy a franchise. Or they saved enough to send their kids to college so they will

Welcome to WV.

Toddlers are at least cute.

My portfolio is bigger now also, but it will be a wash if I have to build that nuclear bomb shelter.