
Makes me want to try sushi. /s

If will build it, you either have to pay for it or take Justin Bieber back.

I know that the smart phones that they speak of are clones, but if everyone is so poor in N Korea, how do so many people have phones??

Goats are great at clearing thorny areas and areas with poison oak and poison ivy and hill sides that are too steep for machines.

When the engine stops, most will turn the key, fuel pump stops.

Slightly different version of the old “ Take us to your leader” , now, it’s “Take our leader”

And walls for security is what keeps ladder companies in business.

Was I not paying attention or what, how did they manage to sneak the wall budget through??

All they will come up with is a bunch of people registered to vote in 2 or more states, in other words anyone who moved.

Why not, it didn’t slow Kennedy down much..

Here are ten of the most fascinating cockroach facts:

I thought that cockroaches had been around at least as long as sharks.

Was stationed there for awhile in the 70's , used to get meatballs on a stick, we called “monkey balls”, They weren’t but wouldn’t have cared if they were , so good. (Meatballs in Thailand are very springy, bouncy even, but that is the way Thais like them)

Minus pints for trump comment to Macron’s wife, “ “You are in great shape” which is half of the comment usually given “ You are in great shape for an old broad”.”

Actually it’s called a “Royal Cheese” and surprising a Big Mac is still called a “Big Mac”.

I think Macron did it just to fuck with trump.

Sad , but oh so true.

But the food is friggin awsome

I’m betting on Cockroaches.

Didn’t you mean 1.5 minutes??