
Doesn’t need to deny it, that’s what his Mommy (Kellyanne Conway) is there for, to explain what he actually meant to say instead of the dumb ass thing he said

Now playing

I think his best one yet was his take on the protester at the Obama speech.

Can we get a tread started that collects in one place all the stupid things Trump has said or Tweeted??. We have lots to import into it already and you know that the source will never dry up.

What I find amazing is that Trump keeps saying “Let it go”. This from someone ewho attacks SNL for a comedy skit.

Why is it happening, when I star some comment the star counter goes d own instead of up. And, if I keep trying t he count keeps going down.

Thanks, my spelling skills suck.

sorry,can’t make the connection

AKA, an oximoron

Kayne West will be there and that in it self speaks volumes

A wall mounted peg to hold a towel for $130.00, they even make Apple look like budget gear.

A wall mounted peg to hold a towel for $130.00, they even make Apple look like budget gear.

Admittedly, hitting her was a pussy thing to do, but legally she did assault him first.

I now have several possible locations for my vacation home.

You knew that I would go look didn’t you!

Is there a “None of the Above” choice on the voting ballot , if not there should be. If it gets more check marks than either candidate , then we start over.

I am using a Kindle Fire tablet for the first time and it took me 30 minutes to login to Giz, just so I could give you that star

“If you’re gonna shoot, shoot, don’t talk”

Now it’s a good title.

Anyone have a match??

This was a sad post on so many levels

You have apparently never eaten bear.