
Now here’s somebody that knows what they are talking about.

You nailed that!

I have my hand up in case you can’t see it.

You wouldn’t know how it was being driven. I believe, by law, they have to have their hands on the wheel even when it is in driverless mode.

You mean like they do for the rides that have drivers. If you use the app you’re agreeing that Uber is not responsible for anything, including anything that their driver/partners do, including if they rape you. Most aren’t aware of this. In my opinion it’s why Uber doesn’t care who passes their background checks. Why

You’re not alone. I’m still trying to figure it out too. I can’t believe the number of mistakes in this article. It’s ridiculous!

Would the Lambo not have a computer like most vehicles do? If it does they’ll know exactly how fast he was going.


C’mon, these drivers aren’t out there working for peanuts alone. There has to be some perks that go with it.

Wonder why they didn’t just call it Uber.

Maybe if Uber did everything they could to make sure their own customers were safe from violence, and took some responsibility when violence does happen, this would have more meaning. It’s very hypocritical to ask those same customers to reflect on what they can do about violence. Very insincere gesture.