“I have been called ‘bitch’ more than anyone on the planet”.
“I have been called ‘bitch’ more than anyone on the planet”.
Fuck Paul Pierce forever and ever and ever and ever.
Whoa now, those two agreed to get fucked by him. There were legally binding contracts that are matters of public record to prove that they allowed for such debasement to occur. They paid him to fuck them. If that’s not consensual then we need to have a serious discussion with the Merriams and Websters.
Haisley’s a Patriots fan? On top of everything else? Man, fuck that guy.
That the Warriors are missing a two-time MVP while the Cavs are missing a super fun 5'8" guy coming off a hip injury who’s never played with his new team?
I’m sure everybody would be totally reasonable if the Cavaliers benefited from a questionable call or two. Let’s check out last December 26th, shall we?
Hill does not hate white people, you moron.
I can’t think of a more tasteful way to promote a Thanksgiving Day game featuring a team called the Redskins than to bring out a child rapist to make jokes about snapping his opponent’s leg. Go, NFL!
Proud Americans who aren’t mentally weak and naive as to believe that America is evil due to its imperfect history.
still more likely to be killed by a white man with a gun than a islamic terrorist in a truck.
I didn’t even know Burkina Faso was a country. Started the article somewhat apathetic, walked away learning something.
Wait, you’re NOT supposed to wheeze terribly after running a half mile?
Dolphins are known for their blowholes...
For a second I thought you were referencing Donald Trump Jr.
Cynthia Nixon had signed on for a third helping of this turdfest while she’s deciding whether or not to run for governor of New York? I’d need to see the receipts on Cattrall being the only one not interested in this.
As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.
But what a husk
Two clowns were eating a cannibal. The first clown turns to the second clown and says, “I think we screwed up this joke.”