What’s the big deal, he just got his bell rung. Now get back out there and play while sumo’s governing body suppresses any and all medical information on the dangers of the sport.
What’s the big deal, he just got his bell rung. Now get back out there and play while sumo’s governing body suppresses any and all medical information on the dangers of the sport.
So did Pablo Escobar.
Well, for one, they wouldn’t make it out of the second round. Which I don’t think is light years ahead of the rest of the NBA.
But then Trump gets elected.
I’m a little like you. I don’t like “horror” movies because I think they’re fucking stupid, but I wouldn’t call this a “horror” movie. This movie is something else and it’s great. Go see it.
Great observation. Also, a male deer is a “buck.”
Somebody mentioned the same thing above but doesn’t it suck that we’ve become conditioned to have that thought?
Man, I was just saying that I wouldn’t want to be a black person in your shitty racist city when the cops came. No matter how rich I was.
I’m going out on a limb and guessing Polian voted for Trump.
+9 millimeters
Until the cops come.
That’s ok, it’s San Diego. Guys haven’t seen grass on a field there in decades.
“Ha, you ain’t so pretty now!”
More powerful was the letter written by the Best Foreign Film winner from Iran.
“shit like this?”
That Kansas “diploma” seems to be working for you too.
I don’t like him or his shtick. But then again I’m an adult.
You seem fun.