How the hell did I miss dodgeball on the NES?!
How the hell did I miss dodgeball on the NES?!
So, she don’t got next?
Later the refs will cut off their tails with a carving knife.
Too bad the U.S. can’t mobilize that quickly.
Looks like Caudill is the devil at Daniel Webster.
Wait, was her name Mary?
“For what I’ve known for many years and what I’ve been taught is that the Earth is round, but if you really think about it from a landscape of the way we travel, the way we move and the fact that — can you really think of us rotating around the sun, and all planets align, rotating in specific dates, being…
+Dozens of un-returned texts and unanswered phone calls
McCain is so frustrating (Palin, etc.), that someone should throw him in a cage and beat the shit out of him on a daily basis.
Of course you did!
Is motor boating sport?
Hold the mayo.
This brought a tear to my eye.
Somewhere, deep in that hellhole called SEC Country, Paul Finebaum has a raging hard-on.
Holy shit, I just read the linked article. My “favorite” part:
It’s treason.
Wishful thinking.
Love how they care more about the leaks/leakers than the content in said leaks.
Well, shiiiiiiit.