
What I find disturbing is his rather non-chalant reaction to it. It reminds me of Woody Allen joking years ago, before the Incident, that people sometimes think he’s weird and would probably believe he was a child molester.

This is a very destructive behaviour. I'm sure armchair psychologists have all sorts of diagnosises for him, but I'll just say he ain't right in the head and should see a shrink

Just an observation I’ve made as I’ve gotten older, to certain types of men women over a certain age are pretty much invisible. Ryan seems like exactly that type of guy.

Tried to explain the utter stupidity of this analogy to area Deplorables on Facebook, got a death threat. That really says it all.

i think the real fear and the real danger here is that the trump campaign will tie this to not only radicalized islam, but democratic party policy, so as to embolden the torch and pitchfork party into claiming he’s the only one who can protect us from such attacks.

The only reason that this “terrorize” me is because of the impact it may have on the election. 

Trump continues to elevate gaslighting to an art form.

Yes, you would. Because women are always expected to suck it up and smile. And if we hit back, we’re humorless bitches who don’t know how to take a “joke.” How does it feel, Jonah?

I don’t really see how he can get offended after saying “I heard you get sodomized quite often”.

I don’t really see how he can get offended after saying “I heard you get sodomized quite often”. I mean, her initial comment about the demon was off-color, but no more off-color than the fact he chose to be in a scene that played a rape as comedy in the first place. And her response was, if anything, a de-escalation

23 body sculpting tips that will have your dad drooling.

I never thought that Cosmo would be more willing to ask substantive questions than the New York Times, and yet here we are.

Her “you know, I think you’re asking very negative questions” line drove me nuts. Ooohhhhh no, I’m being asked a very valid question that’s tough for me to answer.... I know, I’ll deflect and call the interviewer a big meanie weanie and not actually answer the question!

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.

If only there were a word to describe a person who sets someone on fire because of their perceived religious affiliation...depeleble? Nope...derpable? Nope.

But remember everyone, calling this arsonist an “Islamaphobe” is the real deplorable thing to do.

“We don’t hate her because she’s a woman! Her being a woman has nothing to do with it!”

According to Jill Stein, though, mailing support to the snatch is one of the leading causes of autism.